


During the wartime, Japanese virtues were that a soldier mustn’t return to his home once he leaves for the war, but not a few of them unfortunately comes home alive.
Such a drama we watched last night was a fictional story about a certain teacher who participated in the war as a soldier, though he couldn’t be killed in the battlefield.
We expected to learn about the answer described above, after all, he couldn’t return to what he had been, in other words, he had to stand several students without any confidences which he had possess during the wartime.
We cannot absolutely change our mind immediately even when we are required to have the different attitudes towards how we should survive these complex situations.

In these three years, we took in the notorious corona vaccines because we were recommended to do so, at the same time, there were numerous facilities where we could receive various kinds of discounts with a certificate about the vaccination, when we didn’t have any question whether such vaccines really work well or not, we know.
The government delivered cloth masks over Japan, only now, we never fail to doubt that there weren’t any masks sold at the drugstores because the government aimed to become profitable by producing numerous masks of poor quality at the low expenses in other countries, we know.
Considering this, we never fail to understand the current mechanisms that we must purchase rice imported from America at the supermarket in our neighborhoods, where we learn about malicious schemes by someone vicious.

There were a few opportunities to have an enjoyable conversation with several high school students, where they didn’t have any chance to object to their parents’ attitudes towards themselves, which makes negative contributions to their growth in the mental viewpoints.
When their parents keep them obedient and reasonable, they could keep extremely peaceful family life, which might deprive their children of something indispensable during their adolescence, after all, they must spend their significant juvenile periods without any self-esteems.
In short, parental power at home prevents children from growing their sense of rights to speak against something undesirable and unforgivable done by someone vicious.
Such rights shouldn’t be equipped with someone without any responsibilities, which is the case, to our regret.
