


Yesterday there were several traffic accidents, where a senior driver killed an innocent pedestrian in our region.
We frequently watch numerous reports about a senior driver aged over 80 becoming a murderer, causing the catastrophic traffic accidents, to our disappointments.
When he or she must put on the brakes, a senior driver steps on the accelerators by mistake, which leads to the murder case, and the number of these cases has been large, so that he or she should return their licenses to the authorities, although the lack of them won’t fail to offer something burdensome and troublesome, to their regret.
In order to overcome these incompetences, they need to be provided with something alternative : a transportation IC card might be extremely convenient for them to take a bus and a train, although such cards must be charged by the authorities once a month, an online article says.
When these cards could cover their transportation fare, the number of senior drivers who are ready to return their drivers’ licenses would become tremendously large.

China’s Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward are said to be the notorious movements, which destroyed the whole nation, including both high ranked executives and ordinary citizens in the mental and physical viewpoints.
What mattered the worst might to have been that the more knowledges and information they had, the more heavily they were endangered because the authorities considered public people with enormous intelligence as someone rebellious against the communism, she knows.
During the Cambodian Civil War, Pol Pot declared that people with glasses should be killed because they must be someone with various potentials to frighten him.
Such absurd beliefs forced numerous ordinary citizens to vanish from the globe by the incapable dictator, he says.
Originally, people with numerous knowledges should be regarded as someone superior, who could make positive contributions to our society, although someone might be respectable or incredible won’t fail to depend on how we employ our capabilities and faculties, everyone knows.
