


In the late 1970’s, we were junior high school students.
We were required to write the word “People’s Commune” into the answer blank when we took the social studies’ exams and we asked what China’s organization in the villages should be, but none of us precisely understood its meanings because it was evaluated highly in Japan.
In those days, China’s Cultural Revolution had ended, but we had to write the five Chinese characters in the test, which failed to make it, instead, the catastrophic political errors, which demonstrated that the communism fails to outweigh the capitalism, but its details about the reason that the former couldn’t be successful wasn’t something indispensable in the exams, and we memorized only its incidents’ names because we wanted to get high scores.

Various natural disasters hit on the rice and vegetables fields, which brought numerous farmers into the deadly, lethal, critical, threatening and frightening situations.
However, they left these fields as they were because they weren’t their properties, in fact, these fields were owned and managed by the government, simultaneously, which enabled them to be lazy without being profitable.
Others’ belongings is something trivial and unimportant.
As a result, their attitudes towards common properties made negative contributions to their neighborhoods, in conclusion, where they suffered from terrible disastrous famines and numerous people starved to death, he says.

In the capitalism world, we could become a millionaire or someone successful with efforts, talents and fortunes.
On the other hand, in the communism world, not to make efforts and not to take pains should outweigh someone enthusiastic towards their duties and their work, he says.
The former became more profitable than the latter.
When our incomes and salaries are the same, we want to avoid something burdensome and troublesome because such duties fail to make us be productive and profitable.
To our regret, in the official servants’ businesses, such workplaces exist, where someone lazy tend to win the executive position with something unpersuasive, he says.
