


In recent days, the temperatures around here have been a little lowered, for which this approaching hurricane has been responsible, so it is said to hit on our neighborhood heavily tomorrow, although it makes slow progresses.
Something critical might strike our head when we stay outdoors, which should make us so uneasy and anxious.
This enormous typhoon is said to have unprecedented strength, but we have lived on the hill, so such news fail to force us to be brought into the threatening situations.
We could avoid being victims from catastrophic floods.
There have been several deaths caused by disastrous landslides in other neighborhoods, an online article says.

ワクチンが免疫を高めたり病気の治癒に効果があると考えるのは間違っている。水銀やらアルミニウムやらウサギの脳やら牛の心臓やらピーナッツやらゴムなどなど。これはマイナスの効果しかない生物兵器だ。3年間で4回も摂取して後悔してる。In recent years, almost all of us have been deceived by the major pharmaceutical corporations from overseas because the notorious corona vaccines have failed to make positive contributions to our society, instead, which have killed over 700 patients so far, although they were introduced into our nation with a few positive reputations that they cannot fail to have positive influences on our immune systems, or they were equipped with something effective to cure various kinds of diseases, we assume.
Such notorious vaccines are said to be composed of the following ingredients : cow’s hearts, mercuries, rubbers, aluminum, peanuts, rabbits’ brains and so on, she says.
We could safely consider the corona vaccines including these components as the frightening biological weapons.
It is because these materials contained in the notorious vaccines cannot fail to make negative contributions to our physical conditions, to our regret, most of us have been vaccinated four or seven times in the past, he says.

There have been a tremendously large number of military bases with numerous missiles managed by the US Armed Forces around Russia’s territories, about which Russian president Putin has long felt threatened and frightened.
Ukraine has long been thought to fight against Russia to protect their territories and rescue their ordinary citizens, but they have been compelled to attack their enemies by America from behind, and these complicated situations look unrelated to our nation, but this isn’t the truth.
After all, these continuous conflicts cannot fail to make negative contributions to us in the economic viewpoints.
The price of numerous commodities have risen in recent months because Japan hasn’t imported something vital from Ukraine and Russia, where someone malicious has become extremely profitable, and this fact never fails to force ordinary citizens in our society to feel desperate.
