


Only now, there have been numerous opportunities to obtain knowledges about the notorious Red Guards in recent weeks, which reminds us of bitter memories and uncomfortable incidents bring home to us, she assumes.
Almost all workers in the workforces cannot but come across the disgusting dictator because someone chicken appears anytime and anywhere, to our disappointment.
He has numerous abilities to make the atmosphere as if he were the most capable and superior supervisor.
There used to be several colleagues who could be good at communicating with such a chicken boss in our office.
A dictator absolutely tend to be injured mentally when he should be criticized by others, although he must accept such criticisms surrounding him to control his territories.

ウイルスの解毒剤として配布されたワクチンが有毒物質だという時代に生きている。私たちは就職して4年後にバブル経済が崩壊した世代だから不況ではない時期をほとんど経験していない。失われた30 年の中で結婚して子育てをした世代である。
We cannot but live in the world where we must take in vaccines and be vaccinated, although such substances are something poisonous, which was delivered on the globe as something detox by the pharmaceutical firms.
We are in the generation, who experienced the notorious babble economic collapses four years after we entered the Japan’s workforces, after all, we have suffered from the long continuous recessions for about three decades.
We could enjoy the economic boom for only a few years.
In several years, most of us found a life partner, became married to have a few children, an online article says.

When we became a freshman worker, we were invited to be an active lefty in the labor union, which was similar to the students’ movements in the universities days, when only a few lefties were engaged in something antisocial.
However, the right adult social members, including some senior colleagues, invited a few rookies into the leftism organizations, which we failed to reject, to our sorrow.
A certain senior worker confessed that several activities provided by the labor union absolutely weren’t a kinds of our businesses secretly, but what he said didn’t force us to be interested in his previous utterances, to our regret.
