There are around eight billion people on the globe in recent years, but the number of people whose native language is English has been about four million, at the same time, the number of people who manage to use English is said to be six million, after all, the total number might be around one billion.
An overwhelmingly large number of people all over the world lead a normal life without English language.
When we wish that the Internet would become the communication infrastructure where people on this planet could contact with one another through it, we must absolutely gain the multiple language information disposable environment without fail, which is vital.
But we couldn’t realize such an environment because each nation’s mother tongues and native languages are understandable by those involved.
What is extremely significant is that almost all users perform well with their own native languages on the Internet, which is something natural, but this doesn’t make sense without any additional conditions.
When diverse people with diverse languages could share this earth environment with each other, the ideal society would come true for the first time without fail.
What seems the most indispensable is that an industrial developed nation must export something educational toward a developing counterpart because ODA hasn’t made positive contributions to numerous poor nations.
The north hemisphere has pretended to make a difference in the economic viewpoint toward the south counterpart, however, major corporations in the former would end up being profitable after all.
It might be almost impossible for us to change this.