



The nearby library he frequently utilizes would be closed for several days, which could make several users change their routines positively or negatively, everyone assumes.
Several staffs in the closed library are supposed to work there in order to rearrange countless books, at the same time, they would check numerous books they own there.
It might be something indispensable they should do once a year, which makes them be informed of the lost ones.
Their behaviors might be something inconvenient for the examinees who want to concentrate on their studies in the silent and quiet spaces like the library on weekends.
There are several libraries between his residence and his workplace, which won’t change his routine that he reads what extremely stimulates him every day, an article says.
Simultaneously, he can change his emotions and feelings  when he reads a book in different spaces, she assumes.
There was an opportunity to see the stoves instead of the air conditioners in a certain library, which might make positive contributions to us in an economic perspective.
