


About eight decades ago, Japanese emperor wasn’t one of humans but the untouchable “God,” but one year later, he wasn’t the Messiah but one of the ordinary citizens.
At the same time, the social atmosphere in our nation was reversed, in short, the public wouldn’t have any necessities to die to protect the emperor, simultaneously, the police mustn’t arrest someone innocent even when he or she has the opinion against the war, we assume.

We are forced to abandon what we have believed, but we cannot change our attitude toward what used to be the social justice because it takes a tremendous amount of time to change what we were into what we will be.
Japan has suffered from an enormous debt, major mass media have advertised, which enables ordinary citizens to consider the tax increase as something inevitable.
However, this isn’t the case, actually, Japan has been profitable, of which we haven’t been informed, in other words, the Finance Ministry deceived us so that they could collect the bloody taxes from ordinary citizens.
But something opposite cannot outweigh what has been right in a short while, to which we become accustomed only when we determine that the latter idea is likely to be more credible and believable than the former one.

Various immense and enormous earthquakes might attack Japan would force Tokyo university graduates to lose their privileges they enjoyed since they graduated from there, in short, their diplomas cannot make positive contributions to what they are because their social status shouldn’t make a vital difference in the confusion and catastrophe, although they made bloody efforts to capture a reception letter from their desired university.
In the case of challenging chaos, the muscles’ blocks would be the ultimately dependable beings because they have the ability to control such catastrophic situations with their physical strength and powerful intensity.
In the final phase, almost all the congressmen and the governmental officials cannot help surrendering toward their vertical hierarchies, an online article says.
