A certain veteran hitter demonstrated his tremendous potentials, which enabled our favorite baseball team to become the miracle winner because almost all viewers might assume that we lost today’s match, to our regret.
A closer’s failure means that his opponent team gains something victorious from behind, though this situation seldom happens, which forces numerous supporters to be discouraged in the mental and physical viewpoints.
A closer’s appearance enables us to refresh ourselves because he could be one of the most capable pitchers.
When his performances fail to outweigh those of the opponents, our disappointment brings ourselves into the deadly, lethal, critical frightening situation, to our sorrow.
A tremendously large amount of radioactive substances has leaked from the nuclear power station in Fukushima, which hasn’t been open to the public by major media yet.
We wonder if the electricity enterprise could inform the government of detailed and minute information, he says.
A thermal power station has been criticized for its carbon dioxide emissions on the globe because fossil fuels must be burned there like petroleum, natural gas and so on.
In the first place, not a few of us doubt humans could prevent such a serious and crucial phenomenon called climate change from making remarkable progresses.
In 1940’s our nation attacked China, an extremely large number of the local people were killed by Japan’s army, which made Japanese soldiers considered as murderers.
In fact, almost all ordinary citizens in our society tend to consider ourselves as someone vicious and malicious, especially toward China and Korean Peninsula, he says.
Various young soldiers with intense willpowers to protect their mother country were killed in the war, who have been worshipped at Yasukuni Shrine,simultaneously, not a few executives of the late Japan’s military forces have been dedicated at the same location, who should have been responsible for the lost war against America and England because several of them ordered the soldiers to construct numerous colonies in Asia, an article says.
There are various kinds of miserable films featuring special attack flight pilots as someone legendary and bravery, which prevents us from considering their deaths as something meaningless and fruitless without fail.