We encounter countless university students who work at part time jobs because almost all of them go to school without their parents’ financial supports, in short, they must be profitable to pay their tuitions for themselves.
When their colleges should be outside their prefectures, they must be in charge of their rents, food expenses, utilities, which excel what he or she earns, she assumes.
On the current conditions, though, they must refrain from working too much because they would be forced to pay their income taxes, which could have negative influences on their daily life in an economic and financial viewpoint.
At present, the Extraordinary Diet sessions have been under way, in which we might have expected that the notorious disadvantageous conditions would be improved dramatically, but the Liberal Democratic Party should deceive and cheat an extremely large number of ordinary citizens in our society.
After all, they won’t have any attitudes to decrease the taxation rate, and they announce that they cannot fail to make the situations improved little by little, she assumes.
When we pay few taxes in various fields, the government could gain few revenues, which have extremely negative influences on their affairs in an economic perspectives.
Even though we could obtain a little larger incomes, the price of various kinds of commodities gets higher and higher.
We cannot escape from our challenging circumstances, but the numerous and countless politicians fail to rescue us in an economic and financial viewpoints, he assumes.