


A few hours ago, I was talking one of my student in my workplace, and he said that this assignment was tough and challenging for him, so I helped him with it.
The theme was that he must write an essay about cultural differences between Japan and another nation, including several experiences of his with 400 letters.
He didn’t asked me to help him, but I wanted to help him because I would become useful for my student.

When it comes to cultural differences, what hit on me first was the subject about India because those traveling there should return to their mother country with a different outlook on life.
But he wanted to write the difference between America and Japan, but he couldn’t have any structures about the theme, which is inevitable for a high school student.
Considering this, I wrote about it in Japanese in five minutes instead of him like the following.

A vertical society stands for Japan’s characteristics, where subordinates must respect their supervisors without any conditions : we must talk to them in polite way while they are only one year seniors, we mustn’t resist their unreasonable indication, we mustn’t oppose their unpersuasive order and so on.
Last year, a certain pitcher of Rakuten Eagles was dismissed for his disgusting power harassment because he brought such a vicious tradition into the professional baseball business world.
We could watch the decisive evidence where he kicked another player’s back with his dirty right foot, which has been left in the archives.
There are a few advantages in the old vertical society, which might prevent our society from being a disorder one, but we might see several supervisors whom we mustn’t respect absolutely without fail, but we must pretend to be an obedient younger brother.
However, such an atmosphere like this never fails to make negative contributions to Japan, we agree.

On the other hand, a horizontal society stands for America’s characteristics : even supervisors fail to request “respect” from their subordinates because such an attitude isn’t emphasized in their culture.
What matters in their culture is a close relationship, in other words, “friendliness,” for example, they tried to do physical contacts with me even when we encountered each other for the first time, the behavior of whom was strange to me at first, but I became accustomed to such a cultural tradition little by little.
My head is filled with the sense that “friendliness” outweighs “respect for a senior,” which is so absurd and meaningless that this unpleasant tradition should vanish from our globe, which is my absolute belief.
There isn’t a hierarchy between an American friend of mine and me, and we feel secure about our company, where nothing uncomfortable exists, but there is a “politeness” between our close relationships.
We could be kind toward one another without the sense that he is a senior, this is my duty and so on.
We could help each other because we are the same being living on the same planet.

All the cultures have brilliant traditions, and vice versa.
However, the uncomfortable conventions should disappear from our precious earth : LDP’s “secret money” could be a critical negative heritage, we agree.
