


The close researches about the regenerative medicine have faded out because a certain famous professor in the scientific institution killed himself in Tokyo about a decade ago, but the iPS cells have been featured in recent months, a TV program reports, which numerous researchers on the globe have paid attention to.
In fact, this research would have positive contributions to the patients suffering from heart diseases, we assume.

In our modern society, the vital developments of medical technologies have rescued numerous patients from their deadly, lethal and critical condition, which has been said to be the significant cause of the aging society we live in.
Simultaneously, there are various credible conspiracy theories that COVID-19 was invented in order to reduce the number of ordinary senior citizens around the world.
We never fail to doubt such an incredible story, but, in fact, not a few patients with COVID-19 have died after they took the corona vaccine, an online article says.

The issues about the aging society in our nation have been accompanied by that of the low birthrate, which might be our anxieties and uneasiness, and we seek for the reason why the number of male-female relationships has still been small, for example, numerous juveniles are herbivores or antisocial, however, our species have been programmed to have our own genes inherited by the next generations or by the next offsprings, an article says.

Various local governments have the institution to supply 600 thousand yen with those married to someone, the details of which haven’t been known to the public yet.
When the sum of money should be multiplied, the number of fake marriages would become larger and larger, simultaneously, the number of the murder cases where an infant might be buried underground would increase dramatically when the conditions of bearing a child are added to the current determined ones, he says.
