


There are many convenience stores in our neighborhood.
In fact, there are numerous difficult tasks and jobs.

About a year ago, I encountered the shocking scene that a middle-aged-man came out of the drug store with himself surrounded by two police officers, and also the reason was more astonishing : he has been coming home with unused bathrooms’s paper for several months.

It is true that what he stole aren’t commodities, so he wasn’t accused of as a shoplifter, but he is a branded thief, we should agree.
By the way, numerous restaurants or beauty salons have been suffering from high expenses about a large amount of toilet paper.
Similarly, we use a large amount of it at home, which means that we frequently do what matters there.

At a convenience store, it costs over 50 thousand yen a shopkeeper to cover the expenses about toilet paper, water bill, air refreshers, which numerous customers use, an online article says.
There are not a few customers who cannot utilize the bathroom politely, which makes him think that only staffs there could use such a facility with annoyances.

Several customers leaves there with buying nothing even after they finished using the room, who absolutely never greet a staff, which is extremely rude.
From now on, we should ask whether we could this room, after that we use, finally we should buy something.

There are several store staffs with no vital tasks, we imagine, but actually they make positive contributions to the store, whose efforts or pains we cannot understand from a distance.
When a clerk could his or her businesses appropriately, such a staff performed an amazing ability everywhere.

A shopkeeper’s stories have made me change my mind.
We have something we should understand around us.
