There is a pitcher with a rare name in a certain baseball team, which reminds us of a certain economist who has been famous for the technical term “innovation.”
We could easily imagine that his parents should consider his economic concept as something vital in our society.
Innovation absolutely causes human society to evolve, but an existing system should be destroyed completely.
The technical term “creative destruction” captured his loosened mind solidly, which explains that an existing stagnant and corrupt society should be broken thoroughly, and something innovative converts the current society into a normal situation without fail.
Otherwise, the society could never improve toward an ideal condition, which has been called “innovation.”
When capitalism system makes it, the system gives birth to major enterprises, which would tremendously become profitable, and they should be controlled by bureaucrats.
As a result, capitalism system could be replaced with socialism counterpart, an online article says.
We might want to suggest that such a situation should be what the current world economy is, but the fact isn’t the case, to our sorrow, numerous economists agree.
In Japan, the government parties have survived several critical situations with kickbacks, or secret money.
As a result, they have protected their positions, and they have still been the government parties, he assumes.
A certain male candidate of Tokyo governor’s election utilized the social media’s power in order to involve numerous young independent voters, which enabled him to be on the second position at the election, we know.
In recent weeks, he has been criticized violently with social media, as a result, he would fade out soon.