Wild Swan is a long novel, which consists of 29 chapters, but he finished reading it within a week, everyone knows.
The twelfth chapter seems extremely different from the previous eleven chapters, where the author enrolled the primary school at the age of seven during the Great Leap Forward, which enabled the main character to express what she experienced with her own words, she assumes.
The former characters are composed of numerous tough stories, which made her grandmother and mother suffer from various kinds of tortures and agonies, he assumes.
After she went abroad in London, her mother visited her and told her about her grandmother’s experiences.
The author experienced both these destructive incidents, which makes what she wrote something vivid, she says.
In the library nearby, we can search for what we want to read on the digital devices, which we find convenient.
And we can borrow what we want to read with an easy procedures because we insert our members card with something magnetic into the digital devices, he assumes.
There is the biography about the notorious dictator in China during the postwar periods written by the same author as Wild Swan, where he was a diligent child, so we find it challenging to imagine what he used to be in 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s, but something dramatical must have struck him at a certain moment, which would provide us with persuasive reasons and meaningful time.
Japan-U.S. Joint Committee is composed of Japanese bureaucrats and executives of American Military Forces, which haven’t contained any statesmen, where various kinds of confidential articles about something military won’t fail to be determined, of which ordinary citizens in our society fail to be informed, an online article says.
There is the book about something described above in the library nearby, but the contents are too challenging to continue to read because numerous facts are written mechanically, so we find it tough to feel warmth, he says.