DimeTime のコンセプトについて(medium日本語訳2023.2.1)
DimeTime Explained: Introducing the Concept
感染症の世界的な流行に伴い、私たちはますますデジタルライフを送るようになっています。オンラインでは、コミュニケーション、仕事、買い物、情報の入手、娯楽動画の視聴などを行うことがあります。App Annieによると、2021年、世界のトップ10モバイル市場の消費者は、毎日平均4.48時間、モバイルデバイスを使用しています。仕事と睡眠の時間を除けば、私たちは大半の時間をスマートフォンで過ごしているのです。
In the wake of the global epidemic, we are increasingly living digital lives. Online, you may communicate, work, shop, get information, and watch entertaining videos. According to App Annie, consumers in the world’s top 10 mobile markets used mobile devices for an average of 4.48 hours each day in 2021. Except for working and sleeping hours, we spend the majority of our time using my smartphone.
COVID-19 caused us to distance ourselves socially, yet we have overcome disconnection in our relationship through online. By the way, are you concerned when you’re not connected online right now? Don’t you check your phone every time you get a notification because you’re afraid of being left out of fresh information and events that are added to your feed every day? If this is occasionally stressful for you, please consider the digital detox service DimeTime that we are proposing right now.
We hope that by putting down your smartphone while you study or exercise, dine with your family, or communicate with your friends, you will realize the significance of offline time. DimeTime gives a blockchain-based cryptocurrency compensation system to help you live a balanced digital life. After-timer rewards will create a significant motivation for the next task by providing a more immediate feeling of value for your time invested.
稼ぐためにプレーするのではなく、ただ集中すること Don’t Play to Earn, Just Stay Focused
It is extremely simple to understand the worth of bright time. Set a timer and focus as much as you can. If you successfully complete the timer without touching your smartphone, you will be rewarded with tokens. The mechanism that returns the value of focused time to crypto assets will inspire willingness to carry out the goal, and successful concentration of time will grow up and build up, establishing the groundwork for you to lead a more productive life.
仕組み How It Works
集中力を高めながら、タイマーを設定し、確率的にゲームアイテムを獲得することができます。NFTの評価と能力によって、獲得できる確率が変化します。DimeTimeのNFTは、"Piece Of Time "を探すために同行するTokibune(時船)です。
While focusing, you can set timers and gain game items probabilistically. The rating and capability of your NFT impact the likelihood of acquisition. Tokibune, a sailboat that will accompany you in search of a “Piece Of Time” is the NFT of DimeTime.
We are working hard to guarantee that your efforts toward digital detox are appropriately rewarded by developing a good user experience. We’re working on a machine learning-based “user behavior pattern monitoring system” to keep malevolent users from disrupting the compensation mechanism unfairly. We would want to create a sophisticated user experience by varying the amount of compensation from the typical distribution, identifying real users using GPS position data, and grouping data indicating similar usage habits.
Basic Information of Tokibune
Tokibune is a combination of our main theme, time, and the Japanese pronunciation of ‘sailboat’, which includes the connotation of friend. Tokibune is separated into 5 grades and composed of 4 parts with the notion of a distinctive and beautiful look with offline sensitivity.
$DTC(Dime Time Coin)は、レベルアップや育成、NFTマーケットプレイスでの取引に使用することができます。レベルやグレードが高いほど、より多くの報酬を受け取ることができ、ブリーディングを行うことで、より高い確率で新しいTokibuneを手に入れることができます。
You may use the DTC(Dime Time Coin) to level up and breed, as well as trade in the NFT marketplace. The higher your level or grade, the more rewards you can receive, and breeding allows you to obtain a new and better Tokibune with a larger probability.
We used a web3-based compensation mechanism to help with habit building and motivation for digital detox. DTC is a utility token that can be obtained by participating in offline time-focused activities inside the app and is a core feature in the DimeTime ecosystem. The DTC is used to increase assets through the expansion and acquisition of Tokibune and may be linked to the external economy via DEX, among other things.
More stories on DimeTime for a balanced digital life will continue to be shared on Medium. If you’re interested in our project, you may reach out to us on Twitter and Discord.
書いた人→ sano
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