日隅一雄・情報流通促進賞2023奨励賞受賞・藤田早苗スピーチ (Sanae Fujita Award Speech)
(English followed)
今年で11回目を迎える名誉ある日隅一雄・情報流通促進賞の受賞者が先日発表され、私も「武器としての国際人権 日本の貧困・報道・差別」執筆を含む国際人権活動を評価していただき、奨励賞をいただきました。
2023日隅一雄・情報流通促進賞奨励賞 藤田早苗受賞スピーチ
About Hizumi Awards
Kazuo Hisumi, a lawyer who devoted his life to the promotion of freedom of expression, information disclosure and national sovereignty, sadly passed away in 2012.
Based on his principles, the Kazuo Hisumi Fund for the Promotion of Information Distribution was established.
The Kazuo Hisumi Award for the Promotion of Information Distribution was established to honour and support individuals and organisations that promote the fair distribution of information and contribute to the realisation of true national sovereignty.
The winners of the prestigious Kazuo Hisumi Award for the Promotion of Information Distribution, now in its 11th year, were recently announced, and I was awarded the prize for my international human rights activities, including the writing of 'International Human Rights as Arms: Poverty, Press and Discrimination in Japan' which was published in December 2022.
Awards ceremony speech by Sanae Fujita
Hizumi Kazuo foundation, the Promotion of Information Distribution Award 10 June 2023
I would also like to thank the Aichi Association and the Secretariat of the Hizumi Foundation for nominating me for this award.
This is the first time in my life that I have received such an award. I am very sorry that I could not attend the ceremony at the venue, but I am very honoured to be included as one of the recipients.
I came to the UK to study international human rights law at the University of Essex about 20 years ago. At the time, I thought Japan was an acceptable democratic country and that human rights issues were something for other, more difficult countries.
But in September 2013, right here in this very room I am now, I saw Facebook and I was astonished to learn that the Japanese government had drafted the Specially Designated Secrets Act, which deviates from international human rights standards, without any democratic process at all.
At the time, I had few connections with Japanese people but I thought that the best I could do was to appeal to raise international awareness, so a friend and I translated the bill into English and provided the information to the UN Special Rapporteur, who expressed strong concern and made a recommendation. That was the beginning of my international human rights work on Japan.
I have since communicated various Japanese human rights issues to the UN human rights bodies and the international community.
Sometimes people did not understand the situation because they thought that Japan was a rich democratic country and therefore there were no problems. I have felt conflicted because it is as if the problem is not recognised by the people, because even if domestic violence and abuse are happening inside the house, from the outside it looks like a peaceful family with no problems.
That is why I have visited the UN Human Rights Organisation in Geneva many times, but the cost of living in Geneva is about three times higher than in Japan. So every time before I go to Geneva, I get food in the UK and bring boiled broccoli and other things to the UN. I plan to go again this month.
The Aichi Association kindly called for a donation, and in response, many people have supported my activity by donating their pocket money little by little. I believe that I have been doing this activity with those people.
In April 2016, in cooperation with Mr Kaido and others, the country visit to Japan by the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, Mr David Kaye was realized. But we later found out that we were monitored by the government throughout that period.
Thus, human rights activities in any country carry risks. I am grateful for the advice of my mentor and the understanding of my family in Japan.
I was in Poland for four days until yesterday. The purpose was to visit Auschwitz. It was my third visit to Auschwitz, and this time I was accompanied by two postgraduate students from Japan who are studying at the University of Essex. And we said that this is the origin of the international human rights we are engaged.
In Japan, human rights and compassion are confused, but they are two different things.
It is not so difficult for people to be compassionate and kind to their own people. But they may tend to treat people who are different from them, whom they don't like or have prejudices against, in a different manner or in a discriminatory way. This led to racist policies and persecution of certain ethnic groups, the ultimate of which was the Nazi Holocaust.
And no one could stop the massive violation of human rights.
In the world at that time, any human rights issues were considered to be domestic affairs of the country and no other country was supposed to interfere. Of course, there was no international human rights organisation as there is today. As a result, the massive human rights violations that killed six million people could not be stopped.
Based on that great reflection, after the Second World War, when the current UN was created, the international community decided that the human rights problems of a country are a matter of international concern.
So the issue of Japan is also a matter of international concern. This is known as the 'internationalisation of human rights'.
Then the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948, the UN Human Rights Organisation was created, and several human rights treaties were created one by one.
They are the crystallisation of the grief, despair, anger and hope of countless people who have suffered and fought for human rights violations around the world, from the past to the present, and can be regarded as a collection of the wisdom of humanity.
International human rights treaties and human rights organisations are not something from the distant world, but are directly related to our own problems in Japan. For example, information about the labour union crack down incident of Kansai Nama concrete has already been provided to the UN human rights experts, and international human rights can also be used for the issues with which today’s award winners are involved.
In order to make more people aware that international human rights are useful, I, with the great help of the two editors who are here in the audience today, published International Human Rights as Arms in December last year.
If universal human rights awareness takes more root in society and international human rights become more accessible to many people and are used more, I am sure that Japan will change.
I would like to conclude my acceptance speech by expressing my hope that my receiving the award today will also serve as an opportunity for many people to pay more attention to international human rights.
Thank you very much for your kind attention.