【対訳】バイオンテックCEO、 新型コロナウイルスワクチンの知的財産権放棄について語る。(2021/05/7)(3)

Today I Sent This Letter To Have a Candid Conversation With Our Colleagues About the Drivers of COVID-19 Access and Availability (3)

Last week, I had the opportunity to provide these facts to the US Trade Representative and explain why the suggested waiver of IP rights could only derail this progress. Which brings me to the second question. Is the proposed waiver going to improve the supply situation or create more problems? And my answer is categorically the latter.


US Trade Representative 米国通商代表部 (略)USTR
derail (他動)(~の)進行を妨げる、阻む、(列車を)脱線させる  diréil
categorically (副)断定的に、断固として、きっぱり  kæ̀təgɔ́rikəli
waiver  (名)(権利・主張などの)棄権、放棄、棄権証書

When we created our vaccine there was no manufacturing production of any mRNA vaccine or medicine anywhere in the world. We had to create manufacturing infrastructure from scratch. With 172 years of quality manufacturing tradition, substantial deployment of capital, and more importantly, an army of highly skilled scientists, engineers and manufacturing workers, we developed in record time the most efficient manufacturing machine of a life-saving vaccine that the world has ever seen. Currently, infrastructure is not the bottleneck for us manufacturing faster. The restriction is the scarcity of highly specialized raw materials needed to produce our vaccine. These 280 different materials or components are produced by many suppliers in 19 different countries. Many of them needed our substantial support (technical and financial) to ramp up their production. Right now, virtually every single gram of raw material produced is shipped immediately into our manufacturing facilities and is converted immediately and reliably to vaccines that are shipped immediately around the world (91 countries to date.) The proposed waiver for COVID-19 vaccines, threatens to disrupt the flow of raw materials. It will unleash a scramble for the critical inputs we require in order to make a safe and effective vaccine. Entities with little or no experience in manufacturing vaccines are likely to chase the very raw materials we require to scale our production, putting the safety and security of all at risk.


from scratch  (作業などが)最初から、ゼロから、一から (同)do something from beginning
restriction (名) 制約
scarcity (名) 不足、欠乏、食糧難、稀なこと、希少性  skέərsəti
raw materials 原料(物質)、原材料 (略)RM
substantial support 実質的支援、十分な(相当な)支援
unleash (他動) (~を)引き起こす、束縛から解放する (革ひもをはずす) ʌ̀nlíːʃ
input (名)(製造に必要な)材料、装置、資金、(装置を動かす)エネルギー、動力 ínpùt

・She made her wedding cake from scratch. : 彼女はウエディングケーキを全て自分で作りました。
・I categorically refuse to escort her. : 彼女のエスコートをきっぱりお断りします。
・I believe that categorically. : 無条件に信じます
