【対訳】米国は、ロシアを中国から「引き剝がす」方法を模索中、とエネルギー専門家Dan Yergin氏 (2021/05/19 CNBC)
Energy expert Dan Yergin says the U.S. is looking for a way to ‘peel Russia back’ from China
・The U.S. wants Russia to pivot away from China, and may be showing flexibility on sanctions as an “olive branch,” according to Daniel Yergin, vice chairman of IHS Markit.
・Washington on Wednesday imposed sanctions on some vessels and entities involved in the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that would bring natural gas from Russia to Germany.
・But some sanctions were waived “in the national interest of the United States,” a press statement from the U.S. State Department said.
・IHSマークイット社のDaniel Yergin副会長によると、米国はロシアが中国から軸足を移すことを望んでおり、「オリーブの枝」として制裁に柔軟性を示している可能性があるという。
pivot (自動)(~を軸に)旋回する
sanction (名)(違反した人・国などに対する法的な)制裁(措置)
olive branch 仲直り(和解・和平・休戦)の申し出、和平提案、オリーブの枝
impose (他動)(義務・負担・重圧などを)課す、負わす、強制的に押し付ける、強要する
vessel (名)船舶・大型船
waive (他動)(権利などの主張を自発的に)放棄する、断念する、(規則・処罰などの適用を)差し控える、撤回する wéiv
U.S. State Department 米国務省
national interest 国益
press statement 記者声明、プレス声明
The U.S. wants Russia to pivot away from China, and may be showing flexibility on sanctions as an “olive branch,” according to Daniel Yergin, vice chairman of IHS Markit.
Washington on Wednesday imposed sanctions on some vessels and entities involved in the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that would bring natural gas from Russia to Germany.
But sanctions against the company running the project, its CEO Matthias Warnig and its corporate officers have been waived “in the national interest of the United States,” a press statement from the U.S. State Department said.
While the company is German, its CEO is an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Reuters reported that Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov had indicated the waiving of those sanctions may help normalize ties between the U.S. and Russia.
IHSマークイット社のDaniel Yergin副会長によれば、米国はロシアが中国から軸足を移すことを望んでおり、「オリーブの枝」として制裁に柔軟性を示している可能性があるという。
しかし、プロジェクトを運営している会社と、そのCEOのMatthias Warnig氏、およびその会社役員に対する制裁は、「米国の国益のため」に撤回されたと、米国務省が報道発表した。
corporate officer 執行役員
ally (名)支持者、協力者
deputy (形)代理の、副~
tie (名)つながり、関係、連携
Yergin described this as an “olive branch” to encourage Russia to back away from China at a time where U.S.-Russia relations are tense.
“That is, I think, a priority strategy for this administration,” he told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Thursday.
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday at the sidelines of an Arctic Council ministerial meeting and acknowledged the differences between Washington and Moscow, but said the two sides can still work together.
「これは、この政権の優先戦略だと思う」と、木曜日にCNBCのStreet Signs Asiaで語った。
back away from ~から後退する、身を引く、逃げ腰になる、敬遠する、取り下げる
tense (形)(状況が)緊張をはらんだ、緊迫(切迫)した
administration (名)(国を治める)政権、(集団を運営管理する)陣営、経営陣
US Secretary of State 米国国務長官(他国の外務大臣Foreign Ministerと同じ)
Arctic Council 北極評議会 (略)AC
ministerial meeting 閣僚会議
Russia-China relations
Ties between Moscow and Beijing have deepened in recent years, with the two countries cooperating on economic, political and defense issues.
The countries’ space agencies also signed a memorandum of understanding in March this year, committing to creating a new lunar space station.
defense issue 国防問題
memorandum of understanding (合意事項の)覚書 (略)MOU (複)memoranda of understanding
commit (他動)(~と)約束する、(~を)表明する、(~に)責任をもつ、(罪を)犯す、(~に)全力を傾ける
lunar (形)月の
space station 宇宙ステーション (略)SS
Yergin said Putin has been “increasingly estranged from the West” since the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.
On the other hand, China is a growth market for Russia, and Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping are “like-minded about what they call absolute sovereignty,” he said.
Being flexible on sanctions is partly a U.S. strategy to “peel Russia back from its … growing alliance with China” despite difficulties between Washington and Moscow, said Yergin.
estrange (他動)(友好関係にあった人を)仲たがいさせる、疎遠にする istréindʒ
annexation (名)(領土・国の)併合 æ̀nekséiʃən
growth market 成長市場
like-minded (形)同じ考え(目的・意見・好み・趣味)を持った、同士の、同好の、気の合う
sovereignty 主権、統治権、支配権 sɑ́vərənti
U.S. objects against Nord Stream 2
The U.S. has long voiced objections against the pipeline project, and Yergin said the Biden administration’s decision to waive certain sanctions would not go down well with lawmakers.
“One of the few things that unites Democrats and Republicans is wanting to put sanctions on Russia,” he said.
A press statement attributed to Blinken said the U.S. will “continue to oppose the completion of this project, which would weaken European energy security and that of Ukraine and Eastern flank NATO and EU countries.”
But Yergin said the Biden administration probably realizes that it is not possible to keep Russian gas out of Europe.
“It’s just the question of how the gas is going to go there,” he said.
The waiving of sanctions may also strengthen relations with Germany, he added.
ブリンケン国務長官のプレスリリースによると、ヨーロッパのエネルギー安全保障や、ウクライナおよびNATO・EUの東側諸国の安全保障を弱めることになるこのプロジェクトの完成に対し、米国は引き続き反対する 、としている。
object (自・他動)反対する、異議を唱える əbdʒékt
voice (他動)(~を)声に出す、表明する
lawmaker (名)(米)立法府(国会・議会)の議員 lɔ́ːmeikər
Democrat (名)民主党員 déməkræ̀t
Republican (名)共和党員 ripʌ́blikn
attributed to ~著
oppose (他動)(提案などに)反対する、(相手と力ずくで)争う、敵対する
completion (名)完成、(マラソンの)完走
flank (名)(軍事)(陣形の)翼、側面、(物の)側面、脇、(動物・人間の)横腹、脇腹