【対訳】バイオンテックCEO、 新型コロナウイルスワクチンの知的財産権放棄について語る。(2021/05/7)(2)

Today I Sent This Letter To Have a Candid Conversation With Our Colleagues About the Drivers of COVID-19 Access and Availability (2)

Meeting the second condition was much more challenging but we are getting there with remarkable speed. Thanks to the ingenuity and hard work of our scientists, engineers and skilled workers, and multibillion dollars of Pfizer investment, we announced that we will provide to the world more than 2.5 billion doses in 2021. In fact, our internal target is 3 billion doses, so we feel quite comfortable about our commitment. Achieving 3 billion doses this year means, by extrapolation, 4 billion doses in 2022. These doses are not for the rich or poor, not for the north or south. These are doses for ALL. We have concluded agreements to supply 116 countries and we are currently in advanced negotiations with many more for a total of approximately 2.7 billion doses in 2021. Upon finalization of all agreements, we expect that 40% of them, or more than 1 billion doses, will go to middle- and low-income countries in 2021.


ingenuity (名)(人の)創造力、創意工夫の能力、創意あふれるアイデア
skilled worker 熟練工
feel quite comfortable かなりの安心感をもつ
commitment (名)(破れない)約束、(契約上の)義務、誓約
extrapolation (名)(未知の事柄を)既知の事柄から推定すること、外挿(法)
conclude an agreement 協定を結ぶ、契約を結ぶ

This clearly poses another question. Until today, we have shipped approximately 450 million doses and the balance is more favorable to high income countries. Why is that? When we developed our tiered pricing policy, we reached out to all nations asking them to place orders so we could allocate doses for them. In reality, the high-income countries reserved most of the doses. I became personally concerned with that and I reached out to many heads of middle/low-income countries by letter, phone and even text to urge them to reserve doses because the supply was limited. However, most of them decided to place orders with other vaccine makers either because mRNA technology was untested at that time or because they were offered local production options. Some didn’t even approve our vaccine. Unfortunately, other vaccine producers were not able to meet their supply commitments for varying technical reasons. Most of the countries that did not choose us initially, came back and thanks to our phenomenal supply ramp up, we have started signing supply agreements with them. We expect the supply balance to weigh in their favor in the second half of 2021, and to have virtually enough supply for all in 2022.


reach out to ~に手を差し出す、~に接触する、~に働き掛ける、~と心を通わせる、(人)に援助の手を差し伸べる
place an order  注文する、発注する、申し込みをする
allocate (他動)(~を)割り当てる、配分する
reserve (他動)(~を)用意しておく、予約する、蓄えておく
urge (他動)(人に~するよう強く)促す、要請する、勧める  ə́rdʒ
commitment (名)(破れない)約束、(契約上の)義務、誓約
ramp (名)斜面、傾斜台 (米)(一般道路と高速道路の間の)出入道路 rǽmp
ramp up (句動)(一定の比率で)増やす、増加させる、強めるか、強化する (bolster or strengthen)
weigh in someone's favor (人)に有利に働く
in the second half of  ~年の後半に in the second (latter, last) half o
virtually (副)実質的に、事実上、(almostより強い)  (waiver and release 権利放棄および免責)
army (名)(ある目的をもつ大きな)集団、舞台、大勢、大群、(軍事)陸軍

・Can you guess how much I weigh? : 私の体重、いくらか分かる?
・This motor weighs 10 kg. : このモーターは10kgである。
・How much do you weigh? : あなたの体重はどのくらいですか?

・Free installation requires a commitment of 12 continuous months. : 無料の設置には、続けて12カ月の契約が必要です。◆1年契約を同意するなら、必要な設備の取り付けを無料でするという宣伝文句。
・Marriage should be a lifelong commitment. : 結婚は一生涯の約束であるべきだ
・Your commitment to the project is three years. : そのプロジェクトに責任を持って参加していただく期間は3年です。
・It doesn't mean I can't make a lifetime commitment. : 一生涯の約束ができないということではありません。

・We will be happy if you place an initial order with us. : 初注文を頂ければありがたく存じます。
・How much time should we allocate for client visits on Friday? : 金曜日の顧客訪問に、どれくらいの時間を割くべきでしょうか?
・The government allocated new funds for healthcare. : 政府は保健医療に新たな財源を計上しました。
・We allocated two people to be supervisors. : われわれは、2人に監督者の職を割り振りました。
・Using the market to allocate resources was once a sensible idea. : 市場を通じて資源を配分するのは、かつては賢明な方法だった。
・I asked the travel agent to reserve the ticket to Hong Kong. : 私は香港へのチケットを予約するようその旅行代理店に頼みました。
・The company has sufficient cash reserves. : その会社は十分な現金準備金があります。

・I urge you to call him immediately. : いますぐ彼に電話するよう、あなたに強く勧めます。
・The council urged the government to restructure the Japanese economy. : 諮問委員会は政府に対し日本の経済構造を変えることを強く要請しました。
・The doctor urged me to stop smoking. : 医者は私に禁煙を勧めた。
・The United States urged Japan to change its defense program. : アメリカは日本に対し防衛計画を変更することを強く要求しました。
・They urged the government to guarantee stable employment. : 彼らは政府に安定した雇用を保証するよう要求しました。
・The U.N. Secretary General urged Japan to participate in the U.N. PKO in Mozambique. : 国連事務総長はモザンビークでの国連平和維持活動に日本も参加するよう促しました。
・The President urged patience against terror. : 大統領は何度もテロに対する忍耐を呼び掛けた。
Ramp up security in the airports 空港のセキュリティを強化してください
・This system has the ability to accomplish virtually any task. : このシステムは、ほとんど全ての仕事をこなす
