
How to get out of modern slavery.

Hello, everyone.

Sai&Co.Sai&Co. of WAKU Chare Labo It is.

Well, today I will talk about "How to get out of modern slavery" while brushing up my past blog.

Today's story, if "It was good!" If that's the way, please share it😁

Then it's the main topic.

Adults, before doing something, they first ask for assumptions and explanations.

It seems to be a lot of characteristics, especially for Japanese people.

I'm not blaming you for that, but it's hard to do it if you don't understand it, isn't it somehow lonely?

(Don't you often listen to dramas? " Hey, grow up!" What do you mean?

To put it bluntly, this means to be a good listener, right?

I want you to think about it a little here, but what is a child who is good at listening?

A child who is good at listening means a child who is easy to handle for people, right?

In other words, to be a child who is easy to be controlled by people is "Become an adult!" That's why it's a behind-the-scenes theme.

Isn't this kind of scary?

What would you think if others told you to be a person who is easy to handle?

It's true that there are aspects that are easy if you do what people say.

But this way of thinking is actually the same as slavery.

And to be honest, there are few people who think and act so far.

So let's notice it.

Let's make sure you're not treated like you're good.

Aren't you acting as a human slave?

It's my life, so it's already changing into a world where there's no problem living as you want.)

Because when you were a child, you used to imitate what people were doing without explanation, right?

"Dangerous!" Even if you get angry, you do the same thing many times.

But after suddenly becoming an adult, "I can't do it without being explained." Or, "I can't move (if I don't listen to the prerequisites)." If you think about it, you can't do what you could do when you were in elementary school when you grow up, because that's not true when you think about it.

(If you live for a long time, you will have many experiences.

You will learn various things, know, and acquire knowledge and culture.

That's an important thing, but sometimes it has a negative side.

In other words, the knowledge and culture that have been cultivated over many years will solidify and give birth to one strong bias.

By the way, bias means assumptions and biased views, but most people usually live in a radius of about 1 km to 3 km.

That means that everything I see is only what is happening within 3 km even if it is wide.

Don't you have it sometimes?

Even if you watch TV, things that don't happen around you can only seem like someone else's business.

In the same way, if the living area becomes narrower, the number of people you go out with will be limited, so your knowledge and education will be narrow and biased.

If that happens, of course, you will only believe what happened around you, so your way of thinking will be solidified for a long period of time, and everything that happened outside your living area will be regarded as if it is not true.

The same can be said for human relationships.

If you live only in the same relationship, everyone tends to be the same type of person, and in a little more detail, if you are always taught by the same person, that person's way of thinking will be copied as it is.

That means, "Be an adult!" When you are under a person who says, it means that you are being manipulated to be a person who is easy to handle forever.)

Even if I didn't listen to the explanation, I did it when I was little.

Just because I don't remember.

Even if I couldn't do it well all of a sudden, if I was doing it, I could get the hang of it and be able to do it.

"I can't do it unless it's explained one by one." I feel like it's strange in itself, and it's still sad that you can't do what you could do when you grow up when you were a child.

If you are old and your body doesn't listen to what you say, it's even more so that people of the age who are still shining from now on.

(There are two patterns of learning.

One is "I'll do it after I understand" and the other is "I'll understand if I do it".

The Japanese education system adopts the former.

It's an educational policy to do it after you understand it.

In other words, this is a way not to fail, so if you say it's really Japanese.

These are the two methods, but it is certain that there are advantages and disadvantages.

I think it's better to decide which one is better, but what's important is to keep doing it in the end.

Whether it's "I'll do it after I know" or "I'll know if I do it", if I don't continue, it will end without being able to do either way.)

If you try to do it after listening to the explanation and premise, you will think about various things about whether you can do it or not.

Anxiety and worries are born, which interferes with your challenging spirit.

It's important to avoid risks in advance, but first of all, if you think you can't do it at that time, you probably won't try it for the rest of your life, and your possibilities will disappear there.

It's a waste to crush your own possibilities and opportunities.

Rather than giving up without doing it, it should definitely be more fun to give up after doing it.

So I'll be careful not to hate it except for things that are life-threatening.

See you later✌️

(So how was this story today?

I just tried to send a cheer to everyone.

Every day like this, I write on my blog about the Japanese education system, how to raise people, and how to turn on the motivation switch.

So, if you are interested, please come and visit my past blog.

I'm waiting for you.

So today's story, "It was good!" If you say so, please share it with your friends.

See you tomorrow✌️)
