
How to work to take better care of yourself (Part 1)

Hello, everyone.

Sai & Co. WAKU Chare Labo's Sai & Co. It is.

Well, today, "I will talk about how to work more about taking care of yourself (Part 1) while brushing up my past blog.

Today's story, if "It was good!" If that's the way, please share it😁

Then it's the main topic.

There are many deadlines and times in the world, but I would like to talk about this deadline and time.

First of all, I would like to ask you how many people think that they absolutely have to keep the deadline and time?

(It's obvious, isn't it?

Because I've been taught to keep my promises since I was little.

Deadlaws, times, rules, laws, rules, etc. have all been implied to keep all the promises made by humans since they were little.

Well, I tried to make it feel a little psychopathic, but that doesn't mean it's bad.

Because there are rules, the majority of people can live in peace.

In other words, there is also a nice side that brings peace of mind to the deadline and time.)

Probably, but don't you think the majority of people have to protect it?

Especially Japanese people are a kind of people who are meticulous and serious, so they were taught that it is natural to protect them, and they have taught their children, grandchildren, juniors, and subordinates.

But let's look at the world.

It seems that keeping promises is not necessarily common sense.

Italy is famous.

In this Italian culture, it seems to be good manners to arrive 5 minutes late.

How about domestic?

Trains, buses, and public vehicles will be irritated if they don't come on time, right?

The time when the store opens, the time when the movie starts, the time to start work, etc...

Almost everything that makes up the world is moving on time.

It seems that only some Okinawa is different, and there is something called "Okinawa Time" there.

As such, depending on the country and place, it is a culture or manner not to follow the time (in a sense, the deadline).

In other words, in Japan, the majority of people are doing "keeping time", so it has become common sense.

It was gradually upgraded with time, and it began to be said to act 5 minutes ago or 10 minutes ago, and I think that people who have been protecting cleanliness have created and handed down a culture of manners.

(The beginning of culture is usually like this, isn't it?

At first, what I was doing with a small number of people said, "Oh! "That's good," and everyone says, "Let's do it, let's do it," and eventually the majority of people will do it.

That's how I think various cultures have taken root until now.

Moreover, if the government is involved there, it will spread at an accelerated rate.)

This culture is not a bad thing, and the way to spend a relaxing time is very good for mental health.

Some people arrive at their destination 2 hours early, drink coffee slowly while reading a book, and then meet their needs.

However, even if you are late, it may not have much impact, and if you are late, it may have a considerable impact, so if you don't look at it on a case-by-case basis, it doesn't apply to everything, so I'll tell you that in advance. Aren't you too obsessed with meeting this deadline and time?

(So that's why I'm here for today.

If you write it, it's going to be a little long, so I'll separate it here and upload this continuation again tomorrow, so please wait until then.

So how was the story so far?

If anyone says it was good, please share it with your friends.

Also, we are waiting for your registration on the official LINE, questions and impressions, so please send me a message.

See you later✌️)
