緑風荘は座敷わらしがいる宿として有名です。座敷わらしとは、古くから岩手県や青森県の南部を中心に伝わる子供の姿をしている 精霊的な存在とされていて、住みついた家や、目撃した者に幸運をもたらす存在として伝えられています。
@kifune.tiktok “Ryokufuso” and “Kamémaro Shrine” in Iwate Japan / 岩手県「緑風荘」と「亀麿神社」 #japan #japanspiritualtrip #japaneseartandculture I visited Japanese Hotel “Ryokufuso” and “Kamémaro Shrine” in Iwate Prefecture, Japan. “Ryokufuso” is famous as a place where Zashiki Warashi reside. Zashiki Warashi are spiritual beings said to take the form of children, traditionally believed to bring good fortune to those who encounter them. Among the Zashiki Warashi at Ryokufuso, it is said that meeting a person named Kamémaro brings good luck. Kamémaro was indeed a real person. During the Nanboku-cho period, Madenokoji Fujihusa served Emperor Godaigo of the Southern Court. However, in the Nanboku-cho Wars, the Southern Court was defeated, and Madenokoji forces were pursued by the Ashikaga army of the Northern Court, eventually arriving in present-day Ninohe City, Iwate Prefecture. Along the journey, Madenokoji was accompanied by two children, and it is said that the elder brother was Kamémaro, who was six years old at the time. Kamémaro fell ill along the way and passed away at a young age, uttering his last words to "protect the family for generations to come". It is said that he then appeared as a guardian spirit, a Zashiki Warashi, in Ryokufuso. Those who have witnessed his presence or experienced strange phenomena are said to be blessed with great fortune, and those who have encountered him have always experienced something positive. Furthermore, once you have gained the favor of a Zashiki Warashi, they will come to visit you no matter where you are. Unfortunately, I was unable to meet Kamémaro or the other Zashiki Warashi during my visit. Translated by Chat GPT Source: https://www.zashiki-warashi.co.jp/index.html
♬ オリジナル楽曲 - Kifuné キフネ - Kifuné キフネ
この亀麿さんですが実際に存在した人物です。南北朝時代、万里小路藤房は、南朝の後醍醐天皇に仕えていました。しかし、南北朝戦争において南朝は敗北し、北朝の足利軍に追われ、現在の岩手県二戸市にたどり着きました。 道中、二人の子供を連れていて、その兄が当時6歳の亀麿さんだそうです。
亀麿さんは途中病で倒れ、幼き生涯を閉じました。 その際『末代まで家を守り続ける』と言って息を引き取ったそうです。