
Clare's Diary Week 3 ③/ Making Art with the Community(コミュニティーとアートを作るということ)


Today we had lots of help!
We managed to block out more than I had anticipated. Many hands much for much fun. Once I got into the swing of things it was very merry. Children, artists, professionals, adults and many different volunteers came to give their hands.

Many colours were mixed hastily to keep up with the eager hands.
Lots of action and activity. I wonder how many people will come tomorrow to help? Sod’s law, as I plan for many people and few turn up and vice versa.

We had special guests from art school today. One is a very skilled painter but he has not held brush for a while so was slow to warm up but he was in full swing by the end of the day. It takes a while to understand the viscosity of the paint especially when it is such a hot day like today you have to keep the paint topped up with water otherwise it gets sticky and does not flow well.
Gaetan with his discerning eye at the end of the day pointed out all the paint slumps, drips and patches. I told him “you have to go with the flow, don’t fight it” we have to keep reminding ourselves this is not a professional job it is working with the community. Each mark, each dribble shows the traces of people from the town and their eagerness to help. There will be plenty more dribbles to come. Bring them on Though I feel from now on, voluntary helpers are to be limited to just the weekends.

The evening was nice as we walked and danced around Nagareyama by the light of lanterns, we poked our heads into different venues and had some delicious French broth at the French restaurant.
Sunday we have another friend from home making an appearance, she is a painter and sign writer by trade, I look forward to hearing her japan travel stories.


たくさんの色を混ぜて、手伝いたいとうずうずしてしている人たちに渡していく。たくさんの動き。明日は何人くらい手伝いに来てくれるんだろう? 人がたくさん来ても、少なくても対応できるようにしたいな。



