
呪術廻戦の五条先生の祖先 菅原道真ってどんな人?【What kind of person is Sugawarano Michizane, the ancestor for Gojo Sensei in the Jujutsu Kaisen?】






Suddenly, have you heard of Jujutsu Kaisen?
Jujutsu Kaisen is an internationally popular anime based on Japanese sorcerers.

It is said that Japanese sorcerers were mainly active in dispelling people's fear, anger, envy, hatred, and other negative emotions, as well as in protecting their country.
Many of you may have heard the name "Onmyoji(yin-yang master)" at least once.
Onmyoji(yin-yang master) also used magic and divination to protect the country.
Many Onmyoji are said to have been the models for the Jujutsu Kaisen as well.
In this issue, I would like to focus on Gojo Sensei in the Jujutsu Kaisen.

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なぜ呪術廻戦のことを書こうと思ったのか【Why did I decide to write about the Jujutsu Kaisen?】







The other day, the author was on a train and a foreign tourist was sitting in front of me. (
pseudonym: Cameron).
I casually chatted with her, and we got into a lively conversation about anime, and she told me that she loved "Jutjusu Kaisen"

I told her, "Gojo-sensei of Jujutsu Kaisen is based on a descendant of Sugawara no Michizane, who is also a yin-yang master, and Sugawara no Michizane is enshrined at Kitano Tenmangu Shrine in Kyoto. I showed her a little story I had.

Cameron was very pleased and said, "That's wonderful! She was very pleased.
I had wanted to explain what kind of person Sugawara no Michizane was, but my English was not good enough.
So, I thought I would write a blog about what I could not explain at that time.
I mention not only Sugawara Michizane, but also the temperament of the Japanese people, so please read to the end.

五条悟と乙骨憂多の祖先?【Ancestors of Gojo Satoru and Okkotsu Yuta?】





In the Jujutsu Kaisen, Sugawarano Michizane is regarded as the ancestor of Gojo Satoru and Okkotsu Yuta.
Although Sugawara no Michizane is a legendary figure in Japan, he is also known as one of the "Three Great revengeful ghost of Japan".
A revengeful ghost is an entity that causes disasters out of resentment, and Duke Sugawara is considered to be one of the three Great revengeful ghost in Japan.
Although he is considered one of the "Three Great revengeful ghost of Japan," Duke Sugawara was originally a very capable man.
Although he did not come from an upper class background, he rose through the ranks at a young age and excelled as a sorcerer, rising to the position of Minister of the Right at the age of 55 when Emperor Daigo was ruling the country.
The Minister of the Right is like an aide to the prime minister in modern times.
So how in the world did a man of such great ability and smooth sailing, Sugawara no Michizane, turn into a terrifying ghost?

菅原道真が怨霊となった理由【Why Sugawara no Michizane became a Great revengeful ghost】







Sugawarano Michizane undertook various reforms, such as reforming the taxation system, abolishing the Tang Dynasty envoys, and organizing the manors.
Although he was trusted by the emperor for his excellence and rose in the ranks at a young age, he became the target of power struggles and envy from the aristocracy.
This situation is the same in every age.
Even today, as the saying goes, "The stake that sticks out gets hammered down". As the saying goes, the more excellent you are, the more likely you are to be the object of envy and antipathy.
There is an anecdote that Duke Sugawara was also arrogant, so he may have had his share of faults.
In any case, Fujiwarano Tokihira, who was displeased with Lord Sugawara's rise to power at the time, hatched a plot to drive him away. The plot by Fujiwara lost the trust of the Emperor, and he was transferred to Dazaifu in Kyushu.
During this move, Lord Sugawara's children were exiled and he was separated from his then wife. He had to pay his own expenses when he moved to Dazaifu, and after he left, he had no salary or escort, no job that would allow him to make use of his experience, and he had no food or clothing.
It is said that Duke Sugawara became a Great revengeful gost out of regret and bitterness at the way he was treated.
In fact, Fujiwarano Tkihira, who was responsible for Duke Sugawara death, suddenly passed away at the age of 39.
In addition, lightning strikes and illness caused the deaths of the emperor, several aristocrats, and others involved in Duke Sugawara leftward shift, one after another.
The nobles feared that these events were caused by Sugawara's haunting.
This is the reason why Sugawarano Michizane is feared as one of the three most revengeful ghost in Japan.

神となった菅原道真【Sugawarano Michizane who became a god】





The nobles, fearing Duke Sugawara, attempted to appease his anger by giving him a higher rank than he had enjoyed during his lifetime, even after his death. However, the calamity did not stop, and they eventually came up with the idea of enshrining Duke Sugawara as a god.
When he was enshrined as a god, Duke Sugawara's spirit was appeased over time, and the disasters ceased.

Today, Duke Sugawara is popularly known as the "god of learning" because his family was a family of scholars and he was so brilliant that he was able to rise in the world at a young age.

怨霊すらも祀って鎮める日本のカルチャー【Japanese culture where even revengeful ghost are enshrined and appeased】








From Western culture, it is outrageous to worship or believe in evil spirits as in the story of Duke Sugawara! Evil spirits are evil spirits! I often hear people say, "Evil spirits are evil spirits!
From a foreigner's point of view, Japan may be a country with a rather peculiar way of thinking.
Besides Sugawarano Michizane, Daikoku-sama, one of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune, also has an anecdote. Daikoku-sama is now worshipped as a god of food and wealth, but when he was first introduced to Japan, he was said to have a very scary face.
Daikoku-sama, who had a scary face, is said to have changed to his present smiling face as he was worshipped as a god of good fortune after his arrival in Japan.
In this way, people who are called evil spirits or evil people may also have some circumstances that make them that way.
Depending on the angle of view, they can be evil or good. Is that how it is?
By sympathizing with the other person's position and situation, we can guess why he or she is acting the way he or she is, and by sympathizing with him or her, we can dispel the negative feelings of each other. This may be the case.
It is said that many Japanese people have empathy. This may give a bad impression that they lack individuality, but it can also be said that they have the ability to consider other people's situations and feelings.
With such a temperament, various conflicts in the world may decrease.
