表現のメモ(2) zoom
もともと zoom with「とのZoom(での寄り合い)」という使われ方をしていたものが,動詞化したらしい。2020年に公開された The Coronavirus Corpus で検索してみた。(1)-(2)はいずれも同コーパスから。
(1) Your students are resilient. They've adapted surprisingly quickly. More than a few of them Zoom into class in pajamas. (Apr. 11, 2020.)
(2) She said: “I’m an extrovert. I need people… I miss hugs so much, it’s quite difficult actually because I can’t hug myself, I’m too fat to get round myself but it’s what we miss and I do Zoom with my partner… I’m a Zoomer.” (Apr. 27, 2020.)
I'm a Zoomer って面白い、笑
(3) Facetime stresses me out, Gchat is too corporate, and i would never “Zoom” with the homies. (Mar. 13, 2020.)
(4) Anyone wanna get drunk in our homes tonight and zoom with bad bunny in the background to replicate going out (16 Mar., 2020.)
ついでながら,social distancing も動詞で「人との距離を取り接触を減らす」の意味で使われているらしい。
(5) Quarantine for 3 days. Order mac via .@GrabSG cause i wanna social distancing #grabfood (Twitter)
(6) Football is literally a contact sport, but hey let’s social distancing while celebrating goals. Logic: Zero. (Ibid.)