
新総裁は、サーバントリーダーである。| The new Prime Minister is a servant leader.


 "One of my specialties is to listen carefully to what people say.", said the new Prime Minister in Japan. Then a reporter asked him: "Ultimately, I think judgment is important. What do you think about that?"


 "As you say, the ability to make decisions is very important in politics. But I think there are many ways to make a decision: To go top-down and ask others to follow a leader's decision or to listen carefully to the opinions of others and make the final decision myself. Neither is better than the other. I think it's important to make the right decision for the right situation. In my case, I listen to as many people as possible before I make a decision. This is the approach I try to take."


 I thought that the listening skills were evident in the words of the new Prime minister. First, he said "as you say", taking the reporter's question, and then he said, "Neither is better than the other.". In the end, he mentions what he values, which shows that he is a good listener. The new prime minister is a rather neutral and distant type.

 What are the keys to success for a servant leader based on listening skills? It's about having good people around the leader and the leader finding the unknown potential of the team members. And to present a vision to the team.


 When I was a manager in an apparel shop, I experienced that by changing myself, I changed the results. It was my chance because the staff members were almost the same. The reason for my success was that as a leader, I presented a vision, a clear mission, and listened to help the people who worked on it to perform their jobs more effectively and comfortably. Recently I realized that I am a servant leader.


 In the 5G era, where times are changing fast, we cannot rely on leaders like we used to. A new leader needs to be able to crowdsource, to listen. What kind of cabinet will be formed?



「飄々とした」を"aloof type"と書いたら、ちょっとネガティブな意味合いになるとのことで、私が思う飄々を別の意味で説明をしたら、"distant type"に置き換えてくれました。「遠い」という意味合いから、達観したみたいな感じになるのかなと思いました。
