






1. イエス・キリストを自分の救い主として信じる


2. 自分の罪を悔い改める


3. 聖霊を求める


4. 聖霊を受けることを期待する


5. 聖霊を受ける





How to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - written by ChatGPT - AI

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an experience that many Christians seek. This experience can bring about a deeper understanding and connection to God, as well as an increased ability to serve Him. If you are seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there are some things that you can do to prepare yourself for this experience.

1. Believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior

The first step to receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit is to believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior. This means that you acknowledge that you are a sinner and that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins. You must believe that through His death and resurrection, you have been forgiven of your sins and can have a personal relationship with God.

2. Repent of your sins

Repenting of your sins means acknowledging your wrongdoings and turning away from them. This requires a sincere heart and a willingness to change your ways. When you repent of your sins, you open yourself up to receive the Holy Spirit.

3. Seek the Holy Spirit

Seeking the Holy Spirit means asking God to fill you with His Spirit. You can do this through prayer, fasting, and reading the Bible. It is important to ask God to cleanse you of any unrighteousness and to prepare your heart to receive His Spirit.

4. Expect to receive the Holy Spirit

Expecting to receive the Holy Spirit means believing that God will answer your prayer and fill you with His Spirit. You must have faith and trust in God to do what He has promised. When you expect to receive the Holy Spirit, you open yourself up to receive it.

5. Receive the Holy Spirit

Receiving the Holy Spirit is an experience that is different for everyone. Some people may feel a physical sensation, while others may not. Regardless of how you feel, the important thing is to allow the Holy Spirit to fill you and guide you in your walk with God. You may begin to speak in tongues, or you may simply feel a sense of peace and joy.

In conclusion, receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit requires faith, repentance, seeking, expecting, and receiving. It is a personal experience that can bring about a deeper understanding and connection to God, as well as an increased ability to serve Him. If you are seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit, prepare yourself by believing in Jesus Christ as your Savior, repenting of your sins, seeking the Holy Spirit, expecting to receive the Holy Spirit, and receiving the Holy Spirit when it comes.







We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. As it is, we are all doomed to perish because of our own sin. But God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for you and those who believe in Him. Jesus, the Omnipotent Creator and eternal Son of God, who came onto this earth, lived a sinless life as a human being same of you, loves you so much that He died for your sins, taking the punishment that you deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is my Lord" then the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob shall be the God of you, and you shall be saved from judgment and spend happily eternity with God, the Father in heaven. And also opportunity of the door opening of the salvation from Sins will be given to your family.

What is your response?

If you are not a Christian, and would like to become a Christian. Simply say - "LORD Jesus, thank you for forgiving me of my SINs, today I am deciding to follow you. Accept me into your family, in Jesus name I pray. Amen "


「天のお父さんからのラブレター」Father’s Love Letter - JAPANESE(7:06)https://youtu.be/nWYmI_6tK28


イエス様もなさった個人預言 の聖書の実例の解説、現在の個人預言の映像リンク集付き

The Reason We started Rising Destiny (Shining Destiny): The History of Japanese Mission from the 20th Century to the 21st C


note, SNS, WEB上にいる中国の異端のカルト宗教・全能神に関しての注意喚起

三位一体(トリニティ、the Trinity):正統なキリスト教の教理
全能神教会(全能神)The Church of Almighty God:中国のカルト・異端。キリストが女キリストとして中国人女性として再臨したと説く。全能神の教祖・趙維山(ジャオ・ウェイシャン 1951年~)は自らを「大祭司」と唱え、大学受験に失敗し精神的に病んでしまった女性・楊向彬を「女キリスト」に祭り上げた。彼女は趙維山の愛人となり、後に妻となる。暴力、洗脳、ハニートラップ、スパイ活動など違法かつ強制的な布教活動を行なう。入会を断る、脱会を希望すると、「護法隊」と呼ばれる実働部隊が出動し、耳を削ぎ落とすなどの残忍行為を行なう。実際に死に至ったケースもあるという。2014年、中国山東省のマクドナルドで全能神信者が布教活動をし、勧誘拒否した女性を店内でモップの柄で撲殺する事件も起こっている。(2014年山東招遠カルト殺人事件)趙維山夫妻は、中国政府から弾圧を受け2000年頃に米国に逃亡している。
フェイスブックグループ「キリストの羊」、フェイスブックページ及びブログ/HP「聖書の部屋」は一見するとそれと分からないが、「全能神」のサイトなので要注意。全能神信者がよくSNSでシェアしている。全能神信者は、人種(例.中国人が日本人に成り済ます)や性別を偽ってSNSアカウントを大量に作って勧誘活動を行なっている。noteの「高橋 智也」氏(momo125)、「ひで ひろ」氏(biblestudies)は全能神なので注意。





