右脳散歩の実験 2週目5️⃣ 初心に戻り、エレベーター呼吸を









I've been doing a breathing technique called elevator breathing for two months. When I breathe, I imagine that the bottom of the elevator is inside my stomach. Then, I imagine that when I  exhale, the bottom of the elevator rises to my throat, and when I inhale, the bottom of the elevator drops to below my stomach.

I just repeat  this for about a minute. I do it in the morning when I wake up. I also do it whenever I'm irritated or tired during the day. I do it many times a day. I think I do it more than 100 times in total each day. I haven't counted, though.

Two months have passed, and I'm much less irritated than before. So I want to keep doing it.

I also make a note every day of things that irritate me and things that went well. I think it's not just breathing, but these reflective notes that are having an effect.

About a week ago, I also started a work on trusting my intuition and acting on it. It's called a right brain walk. At first, I wondered what right brain was, so I just started. After continuing, I realized that these walks felt good. It's a shame I hadn't been doing this simple stuff before!


