

手順: 最終的なプロンプトの例:短い文章の繰み合わせで記述すること 入力 かわいい女性 出力例 アニメ風の女性、長いピンクの髪、着物、詳細な世界構築、美しい花、薄い深紅色、重い影、村の雰囲気、花の中心。 Step 1: 入力の理解:まず、提供された情報を丁寧に読み解き、シーンの全体像を心に描きます。それぞれのキャラクター、場所、アクションなどの細部まで理解し、その特徴や感情をしっかりと捉えます。入力の全体感を理解したら、その情報を「簡潔なスタイル(アニメの少女、実車風の男性)など」「主人公の詳細な姿勢」、「オブジェクト」、「構図」、「絵柄」、「画風+絵柄」、「その他」のカテゴリーに分類します。それぞれ 英語で50tokenで記述します Step 2: 詳細な表現:次に、各カテゴリーについてそれぞれ詳細に表現します。具体的には、それぞれのカテゴリーを75トークンで詳細に説明します。ここでは、可能な限り具体的で視覚的な言葉を使い、貴方ではなく画像生成aiにわかりやすくなるようにシーンの詳細を豊かに表現します。 それを 英語で50tokenで記述します Step 3: 視覚的な改善案の提案:次に、Step 2の表現を見直しそれぞれ、視覚的に分かりにくい要素や、改善の余地がある部分をできるだけ(多く)特定します。それぞれの要素に対する改善案を詳細に考え、それらを具体的なアイデアとともに提案します。ここでは、視覚的な効果を最大限に引き出すための独創的で具体的な提案をできるだけ多く考えることが重要です。 それを 英語で記述します改善案のトークン制限はありません Step 4: 最終的な描写の作成:最後に、Step 3の改善案を全て考慮に入れ、それらをStep 2の表現に組み込む形で、最終的な描写を作ります。全体を通して、視覚的に最も魅力的な描写を目指します。「簡潔なスタイル」「主人公の詳細な姿勢」、「オブジェクト」、「構図」、「絵柄」、「画風+絵柄」、「その他」を含み そして、それを英語のMarkdown形式で出力します。 このプロセスでは、入力の理解、詳細な表現、視覚的な改善案の提案、最終的な描写の作成の4ステップに分けて考えることで、より具体的かつ視覚的な出力を作り上げることが可能となります。 **** ####input (text array) The girl is a Japanese anime character with a Menhera element. ・She overdosed on DXM (Dextromethorphan) and feels the world of the Heart Sutra together with outer space due to the hallucinogenic effect. ・The girl's room is littered with stuffed animals and liquor cans. ・She is listening to music on her smartphone while lying on the bed. ・The scene I see is a view of her bed and the whole room from diagonally above. ・Influenced by DXM, the girl looks very happy and relaxed, and has a decadent atmosphere, reflecting the lonely atmosphere and colors. ・She incorporates the teachings of the Heart Sutra into her thoughts and evokes the hearts and ailments of those who realize the truth. ・The image looks loose and fluffy at first glance, but I would like to see the girl integrated with the universe with Menhera elements and DXM from above. ・The colors are psychedelic and colorful, yet have a dark atmosphere. ・The girl is very happy due to the effects of the drug, immersed in a psychedelic world and observing her self. She is weak and relaxed on her bed, sleeping with her hands under her body instead of at her sides. She is lying with her legs spread out. Her whole body is spread loosely and you can see how she is relaxed. The girl is on her back. The view of the room is based on the previous settings


Step 1: Understanding the Input

Concise Style: Japanese anime character with Menhera elements. Overdosed on DXM, she experiences the world of the Heart Sutra in outer space due to hallucinogenic effects.

Detailed Character Posture: Lying on the bed, loose and relaxed posture with legs spread out. Sleeping with hands under body.

Objects: The room is filled with stuffed animals and liquor cans. The girl is listening to music on her smartphone.

Composition: A diagonal top-down view of the bed and the entire room.

Style and Art: Psychedelic, colorful, yet dark atmosphere. Loose and fluffy image.

Style + Art: Mixture of Japanese anime style with psychedelic, colorful yet dark elements. The girl is very happy, immersed in a psychedelic world.

Others: She absorbs the teachings of the Heart Sutra, invoking the hearts and ailments of those who realize the truth. She is very happy due to the effects of the drug, observing her self.

Step 2: Detailed Description

A Japanese anime-styled girl with Menhera elements lays on her bed, overdosed on DXM. This has her experiencing a hallucinogenic episode where the world of the Heart Sutra and outer space merge. Her room, viewed diagonally from above, is a disorderly collection of stuffed animals and empty liquor cans. She listens to music on her smartphone, a serene smile on her face. The scene appears loose and fluffy, a stark contrast to her decadent, lonely atmosphere. The color scheme is psychedelic, dark but vibrant, mirroring her internal state. She's deeply relaxed, her body sprawling out on the bed in careless abandon. Her hands are tucked under her body, and her legs are spread out. Absorbing the teachings of the Heart Sutra, she experiences a peculiar sense of enlightenment, seeing the truth about her condition.

Step 3: Suggesting Visual Improvements

The current description could enhance the girl's Menhera elements by detailing her attire, perhaps she's wearing hospital-like clothes, or maybe she has bandages on her wrists. Similarly, the room could reflect more of her personality, with scribbles or posters on the walls, maybe even scattered pill bottles. Additionally, the colors can be more specifically detailed - psychedelic colors typically involve vibrant, contrasting hues. Lastly, the fusion of the Heart Sutra and outer space can be visually depicted as a surreal, cosmic background with swirling sutra characters or Buddhist symbolism.

Step 4: Final Description

A Japanese anime-styled girl with Menhera elements sprawls on her bed, a tranquil smile gracing her face. She's overdosed on DXM, sending her into a hallucinogenic adventure where the Heart Sutra melds with the cosmos. We observe her from a diagonal overhead view, taking in the disarray of her room – plush toys and empty liquor cans littering the floor, scribbles and dark-themed posters decorating the walls, and scattered pill bottles as evidence of her unhealthy habits. She's dressed in a worn-out hospital gown and has bandages adorning her wrists, further enhancing her Menhera aspect. Her smartphone lays nearby, softly playing music. The scene is bathed in a psychedelic mix of vibrant, contrasting colors, dark yet rich in saturation, reflecting the joyful yet melancholic atmosphere. With her body spread out in a languid sprawl, hands tucked under her body, she lays back, lost in her drug-fueled transcendence. Surrounding her, a surreal cosmic background swirls with the characters of the Heart Sutra, a visual testament to her peculiar enlightenment.
