
#56 英文ひたすら書いてみる。IELTSライティングTask2。テーマ→死刑制度のメリット、デメリット。



IELTS( International English Language Testing System、読み方:アイエルツ)

【引用元:IDP IELTS 公式サイト】

Some people advocate the death penalty for those who committed violent crimes.

Others say that capital punishment is unacceptable in contemporary society.

Describe and think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

今日は advantage or disadvantage です。

Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.



第一段落:再提起  お題の再提起+エッセイの概要

(再提起)It is argued that capital punishment should be used on criminals who perpetrate heinous crimes, while others believe that the death penalty is inappropriate. (概要)This essay will elucidate its advantages and disadvantages, and also present my perspective on this form of punishment.

第二段落:ディスアドバンテージ  欠点を書いて説明

(欠点①)Admittedly, the death penalty has a significant drawback: it deprives individuals of their right to life. Some assert that everyone has an inherent right to live, which should be protected and not violated.(欠点②) Another downside is the potential for innocent individuals to be executed due to mistaken judgments. In other words, the death penalty could cause irreparable damage in cases of wrongful conviction. (例)For instance, a man was executed in England in 1950, but the true culprit was found three years later. Following this event, the British government abolished the death penalty.

第三段落:アドバンテージ  利点を書いて説明

(利点①)However, capital punishment also has its advantages, such as deterring major crimes. It serves as a stark warning, potentially discouraging individuals from committing crimes. (利点②)Another benefit is the reduction in the costs associated with maintaining prisons. Tax revenues are used to sustain penitentiaries, and if governments abolish capital punishment, offenders would remain in prison indefinitely, requiring citizens to cover their food, medical, and facility expenses. These funds could be better utilized for social services, such as child and disability welfare.

第四段落:結論  お題の再提起+自分の意見

(再提起)In conclusion, while some people advocate for the death penalty for those who commit heinous crimes, others argue that it is unacceptable. (意見)In my opinion, the death penalty is necessary because those who commit grave misconduct should face the same fate as their victims. Without it, people may not fear violating laws, and good citizens would suffer from criminal activities. To secure public order and prevent serious crimes, capital punishment is required.


