COP26 EU side event より気候変動と衛星
2021年10月31日から開催されているCOP26におけるEUのSide eventとして、From Climate Research to Climate Services – How Satellite Observations contribute! というパネルディスカッションが開催されました。
Europe’s populations are exposed to growing climate risks. To successfully adapt and enhance resilience, reliable climate monitoring and access to traceable data, products and services is vital. Europe’s leading providers showcase how ongoing R&D and evolving climate services contribute to UNFCCC Paris Agreement implementation and safeguard prosperity and well-being across Europe and worldwide.
European Space Agency; European Commission - DG RTD; Copernicus Climate Change Service; European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
Maurice Borgeaud
Head of Earth Observation Science, Applications and Climate Department
Simonetta Cheli
Head of Strategy, Programme & Coordination office
ESA (European Space Agency)
Samantha Burgess
Deputy Director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)
The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
Philippe TULKENS
Head of Unit
European Commission
John Bell
Director of 'Healthy Planet' Directorate
European Commission / Directorate General for Research and Innovation
Jörg Schulz
Climate Service and Product Manager