
109 骨壊死


・ 副腎皮質ステロイドは非外傷性骨壊死の最も一般的な原因である。 
・デノスマブなど他の薬剤と関連した顎骨壊死の症例も報告されている。 若年患者は変形性関節症よりも骨壊死に罹患することが多く、骨壊死の長期罹患率は有意に高い。


Comment: Osteonecrosis means “bone death” (ossis [Latin] = bone; necrosis = killing or causing to die). Synonyms include avascular necrosis, ischemic necrosis of bone, aseptic necrosis, and subchondral avascular necrosis. Although the term osteonecrosis dissecans is sometimes used, it is actually a consequence of osteonecrosis involving fragmentation of bone that leads to fracturing or cracking of bone. The concept of bone death was first described by Hippocrates,1 but the first clinical description of osteonecrosis was a case of sepsis-induced bone death described by Russell in 1794. The first description of the occurrence of bone death in the absence of infection was published almost a century later. The first report of osteonecrosis in a deep sea diver appeared in 1936.

・類義語には、avascular necrosis; 血管壊死、ischemic necrosis of bone; 虚血性骨壊死、aseptic necrosis; 無菌性壊死、subchondral avascular necrosis; 軟骨下血管壊死などがある。
・osteonecrosis dissecans; 離断性骨壊死という用語が使われることもあるが、この病名は骨折やひび割れにつながる骨の断片化を伴う骨壊死の結果である。

Myth: 骨壊死は女性に多い

Reality: Osteonecrosis primarily affects men, except when associated with systemic lupus erythematosus.



Comment: Osteonecrosis has been linked to numerous conditions. The evidence for a causal relationship varies greatly, and in some cases only case reports have been published. The most common cause of nontraumatic osteonecrosis is corticosteroid use, which was first described in 1957. Osteonecrosis has also been associated with metabolic disorders and pregnancy. Diagnosis is often delayed in mothers until months after delivery. Women who experience osteonecrosis during pregnancy tend to have a small body frame and a large weight gain.




Reality:  Studies have been performed to determine the duration of use and the dosages of corticosteroids necessary to precipitate osteonecrosis. Because several forms of corticosteroids exist with differing potencies and half-lives, and because dosages and duration of use vary between studies, no conclusions about a “safe” dose of corticosteroids can be made.

・ 骨壊死を誘発するのに必要な副腎皮質ステロイドの使用期間と用量を決定するための研究が行われてきた。

・Clin Rheumatol. 2002 Aug;21(4):299-303.
MRIでステージ1のosteonecrosis (ON)を生じた20人を検討
GC使用から診断までは1~16ヶ月, GC累積投与量は平均PSL換算5928mg

・Steroid induced osteonecrosis: An analysis of steroid dosing risk, Autoimmun Rev . 2010 Sep;9(11):721-43. 
ポイント→投与量に依存, 長時間作用型ステロイドや非経口投与でリスク↑
SLEにおいてはCushing habitusと骨壊死に関連あり





Reality: The risk of developing osteonecrosis of the contralateral hip when one side is affected ranges from 31% to 55%.



Comment: A specific syndrome known as bone marrow edema syndrome was initially thought to be a precursor to osteonecrosis, but it is now believed to be a separate entity.


・以前は”bone marrow edema syndrome”は骨壊死の前駆症状と考えられていたようですが. 現在は別の病気と考えられています。
※骨髄浮腫症候群と骨壊死との鑑別は、動的造影3次元MRIに基づく平均通過時間 (MTT)や血漿流(PF)などの灌流パターンの解析によって容易になる。骨髄浮腫では、PFが高くMTTが低い軟骨下領域を、PFが低くMTTが長い領域が取り囲んでいる。対照的に、骨壊死では、PFとMTTのない軟骨下領域を、PFが高くMTTが中間の縁が取り囲んでいる。


: Bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw is particularly interesting because the intended beneficial use of bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis and related disorders of bone formation instead leads to a serious bone complication. Two forms of bisphosphonates are available, and osteonecrosis appears to occur in association with bisphosphonates that contain nitrogen. The mechanism of bisphosphonate-induced ONJ appears to parallel that of glucocorticoids, with derangement in lipid metabolism, bone homeostasis, and apoptosis of bone cells all playing a role. Interestingly, the jawbone appears to be the most vulnerable bone in bisphosphonate-induced disease, as opposed to the femoral head. This phenomenon may be a result of the high bone turnover rate in the jaw or because bisphosphonates exert their action not only on bone but also on many elements of the surrounding tissue, including fibroblasts and blood vessels.
ONJ is increasingly recognized as a significant disease, and in addition to bisphosphonate use, other causes have been implicated. Many of these are case reports, but epidemiologic studies are beginning to appear. A case of ONJ was reported in association with the use of raloxifene. Raloxifene is a nonsteroidal benzothiophene that is used as an estrogen receptor modulator to treat osteoporosis in post-menopausal women and to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Denosumab, a monoclonal antibody against receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL) used in the treatment of osteoporosis, has also been implicated in ONJ. In addition to case reports,78–80 animal studies also suggest that anti-RANKL interferes with the normal bone resorptive functions of osteoclasts after dental trauma,which may play a role in the pathogenesis of ONJ.



・J Med Case Rep. 2011 Sep 23:5:477には、非がん患者に窒素含有のBPであるゾレドロン酸を年に1回投与しONJを発症と書いてありました。
・ラロキシフェンについては、Quintessence Int. 2015 May;46(5):423-8.の一例報告が引用されています。


Comment: In 2001 the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare proposed revising criteria for the diagnosis and staging of osteonecrosis of the femoral head.109 Diagnostic criteria included (1) collapse of the femoral head without joint space narrowing or acetabular abnormality as seen on a plain radiograph, (2) demarcating scleosis in the femoral head without joint space narrowing or acetabular abnormality, (3) “cold in hot” areas on bone scans, (4) a low-intensity band on T1-weighted MRI, and (5) histologic findings of trabecular and marrow necrosis. If a patient fulfills two of the five criteria, the diagnosis is established. 

(3)骨スキャンで”cold and hot”



Comments: Osteonecrosis secondary to trauma can be easily explained simply based on anatomy, but with nontraumatic osteonecrosis, the pathogenesis is more complex and may involve immunologic, hormonal, and metabolic factors.The immunologic changes occurring in nontraumatic osteonecrosis may help explain why corticosteroids are particularly dangerous to the integrity of the blood supply of the femoral hip. Some investigators have likened osteonecrosis to “coronary disease” of the hip and propose that the same mechanisms that cause ischemia of the myocardium may also cause ischemia of the femoral head.




Comments: Forty-one percent of patients with osteonecrosis compared with only 20% of controls were homozygous for the 4G/4G mutation in the plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) gene.

・その中でもeNOS(endothelial nitrix oxide synthetase; NO産生を促す酵素, NOは血管拡張を規定する重要なmediator)とPAI-1が注目されています。
・骨壊死患者の41%がPAI-1遺伝子の4G/4Gホモ接合体を有しているという報告もあるようです。この変異は”低線溶性プラスミノーゲン活 性化因子インヒビター活性の上昇を引き起こし、その結果、刺激プラスミノーゲン活性 化因子活性が低下する”という減少を引き起こし、骨壊死の病態に寄与する、という病態が想定されています。


Comments: Currently, MRI is the gold standard for imaging of osteonecrosis. Most of the staging systems for osteonecrosis are now based on MRI appearance (Table 109.4). MRI of osteonecrosis can show changes earlier than conventional radiography or CT. It can also detect bone marrow edema, a feature sometimes seen in the early phases of osteonecrosis that is not visible on conventional radiography or CT.
The typical MRI findings in osteonecrosis are intermediate or low signal intensity on T1-weighted images and high signal intensity on T2-weighted and other water-sensitive sequences . As the disease progresses, the subchondral necrotic lesion is surrounded by a low signal line on T1-weighted images and a high signal line is seen on T2-weighted images, central to the low signal line, producing the (eFig. 109.2). MRI is performed in the sagittal, coronal, and axial planes and includes T1- and T2-weighted sequences. Although excellent correlation exists between histologic findings and MRI appearance (see Table 109.4), in most cases the necrotic area is composed of a variety of tissue, including areas of fibrosis and necrosis mixed with areas of blood and edema, depending on the age. Therefore the MRI signal of the necrotic area is often very heterogeneous (see Fig. 109.7), and as a result, this classification is of little clinical value. The low signal intensity band in the periphery of the osteonecrotic area correlates with a sclerotic band seen on radiographs and CT and often has a serpiginous appearance. When the osteonecrosis involves a long bone, this serpiginous band has been termed smoke in a chimney.“double-line” sign (Fig. 109.8). In advanced osteonecrosis, the necrotic segment exhibits low signal intensity on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images.


・病態が進行すると、軟骨下壊死病変はT1強調像で低信号線に囲まれ、T2強調像では低信号線の中心に高信号線が認められ、"double-line "徴候が生じる(図109.8)。

・組織学的所見とMRIの外見には優れた相関があるが(上表 109.4参照)、ほとんどの場合、壊死部位は線維化部位や壊死部位に血液や浮腫が混在した部位など、年齢に応じてさまざまな 組織から構成されている。壊死領域のMRI信号は非常に不均一であることが多く、この分類はほとんど臨床的価値がない。
・骨壊死部周囲の低信号強度の帯は、レントゲン写真やCTでみられ る硬化帯と相関し、しばしば蛇紋岩(serpiginous band)のような外観を呈する。骨壊死が長骨に及んでいる場合、この蛇紋状の帯は”smoke in a chimney”(煙突の中の煙)と呼ばれている(図109.8)。
