Factors influence on Career Development
INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study
Human Recourse of the organization is the most valuable asset which has to be effectively used in achieving goals and objectives of the organization. According to Siew (2001) Career development is gaining more attention from various organizations as an Career is a sequence of related work experience and activities, directed at personal and organizational goals, though which a person passes during his or her lifetime that are partly under their control and partly under that of others. At the beginning ,career development activities are conducted by the organization,but the career development will be effective if carried out jointly between workers and organizations.(Yahaya Mahamood, 2010) Understandably, any imbalance between organizational and personal commitments and the inefficient management of life priorities can lead to serious consequences.
The consequences may in general manifest as diminished job satisfaction, poor productivity and performance, lower organizational commitment, inferior career ambitions and success.(Irungu, 2017) As Amin(2013) described Human resource (HR) or professional personnel get involved in offering career Career planning involves taking actions, both in terms of accessing work experiences, including Creating job moves, and gain access to formal and more modified forms of learning.Such action involves directing a range of formal and informal procedures, and acquiring support from a variety of people. Job satisfaction is an important to study when considering career development activities. Dawis(1990) said that job satisfaction, the employees' aspirations and attitudes are included to enable further understanding of the reinforces of job satisfaction and how these variables affect individual and organizational career development. .And also organizational commitment is the most important factor An organizational commitment at the early career stage exists, the form of psychological attachment.However, at the later stage this commitment may diminish due to other variables such as lack of opportunity within the organization for development or promotion.(Chow , 1994)
Based on described above, the researcher wanted to examine The relationship between career development and personal factors.And also examine the relationship between career development and organizational factors in banking sector.
1.2 Research Problem
Economies in almost all the countries had sudden changes with the Liberalization, Open economic System, Privatization, and Globalization and Technology advancements.Each and every organization adapts to these changes with the more competitive, responsive and customer focused tools in order to survive in the business world as well as to compete with other competitive business partners.Employees too had to adjust to these new developments for carry on smooth environment in their companies.It was identified that employees in banking sector have to face this issue more than the employees In other sectors.In banking sector, employees face many difficulties in performing their duties and responsibilities in Sri Lankan environment.It was found that most of employees shown higher dissatisfaction about working environment, existing work load and tough work schedule in their bank.(Dedunu, 2017)
Many researches have done relate to this topic under different theme concepts.However , within Sri Lankan context, few researches have done relate to banking sector.There, researcher is going to find the Factors influence on career development