The experience of sauna in rural

I would like to talk about the wonderful experience in last holidays.

In Japan, there are long holidays for over a week from the end of April.
Though  I spent somedays to do experiments, I went to trip to seek something unusual in daily life.

I went to rural to visit special sauna, which is located by the river.
In the beginning, we stay the instant tent like sauna around 90 degree for less than 10 minutes.
We stood the uncomfortable too hot space until we sweat a lot.
And we jumped(dived) into the cool river as water bath.  
At the moment when I dived, I felt too cold and hard to soak, but once I could adapt this, I feel really comfortable because I can sense the nature by hearing,  visual and body.

And then we stayed outside to uptake fresh air lying nice chair.
This moment was so awesome that nothing to replace. I felt like I totally fusion with nature. we spent two hours to continue the routine sauna, river, and uptake fresh air  several times.
 This kind of sauna are in fashion for younger generation, yet these are still rare in Japan. So I'm looking forward to spreading this sauna in common.
