おはようございます。3月12日、今日もradio sufi 始まります。
昨日突然始まったこのradio sufi。いつも突然ですね、一緒に働いてくれているメンバー達は、いつもびっくりです。きっと、このラジオを突然聞いて、えっ突然何始めちゃったの?って思ったんじゃないかなと思っています。なかなか3次元では会えない、遠く離れた人たち、メンバー達、仲間達に伝えられたらな、届けられたらなと思っております。何せ中富良野町、今自粛期間でございますので、私たちのお店も19日までお休みを「自粛」という形で取らせていただいております。
ここから[宇宙元年まで後もう少し ]ラジオ英訳バージョン
“It’s almost universal new year”
Good morning. Today is March 12. Let’s begin “Radio Sufi”.
Radio Sufi started since yesterday. I started something new too suddenly, so my coworkers might think “what have you started?”. As of now, we are still under self-isolation at Nakafurano and our café is closed until March 19. We are all in a difficult situation to see each other, therefore, I would like to send messages to all my friends and team members all around the world through this radio.
March 20 is Spring Equinox. It is known as New Year in the universal cycle. The world will change globally to the world of love, harmony, healing, cooperation and let go of excessive self-preoccupation.
Everyday, we are breathing and working hard on this planet of earth. However, we tend to forget that the earth is one of the stars in the universe. Sometimes, the natural disaster reminds us not to forget living on the earth. As conditions in Earth changes continuously, we have to change to our lifestyles to live comfortably. For example, it must be hard for martians to live on earth. It is same as us, the earthlings to live on Mars. We might survive, but it will be exceedingly difficult.
On March 20, the invisible energy will shift to love and harmony in the universe. We have 8 more days to focus on our mind and adjust as same as the universe. If it is difficult to adjust to the universe, then you might feel difficulty living your life in this world.
There is no right or wrong in the way you live. It is all up to you. Since 2005, the energy was preparing for the change. From then, some people have been looking to rebuild yourself to prepare for the change. Those people are easily changing with energy and it is great for them. On the other hand, many people are not preparing for the change and are not harmonizing with the nature. Those people will eventually living a hard life.
In this final stage of the world’s change, coronavirus pandemic is uncontrollable. Virus have always existed on earth. They maybe performing their mission, such as the self-purification and transforming. Obviously, viruses do not have the ability to think.
Humans tend to think negatively or think “what we should or must do “. We should move on from those thoughts and follow what your heart says. “Follow your heart” does not mean greediness, it means living within the energy of love, balance, and healing.
Additionally, the human tends to think and reverberate with the same frequency level. Depend on the frequency level, it will affect your words and behavior, which relates to your luck as well.
For example, imagine you turn on the radio and the sound reflect as our life. You turn on the radio and choose the station, depending on broadcast frequency (MHz), then you will hear the specific channel that have been selected.
In this world, there are many frequency channels of fear, anxiety, and anger. Normally, we are connecting with those levels of frequency, and we need to change to the channel to love, balance, and healing’s frequency. Unfortunately, the channel is not visible to our eyes, so it is difficult to tune into the desired frequency. Therefore, I have a mission to arrive on Earth, to tell and guide people.
It might sound funny, but I think I have the soul from Venus. I can expand this kind of spiritual story, but I hesitate to explain it. It is a difficult topic for people to understand.
Whenever I explain that I arrived on Earth from Venus, people respond like “What do you mean? Is it the astrology from Kazuko Hosoki?” (Kazuko Hosoki is a Japanese fortune teller) It is not about the fortune-teller; it is about reincarnation. In the universe, there are Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and more. I am a reincarnation from Venus.
People around me doubt whether I am a human being or not, but I believe that I am a human. People who use “Qi/chi” tend to be looked as weirdos, but it is just a method. Anyone can use it if trained. Everyone have the potential to use 100% of “Qi” since when they were born. As you grow, you might lose your self-awareness and you could not believe in your possibility. If you lack your self-awareness, then you can only see others in small vision. It will be a negative loop and it is hard to get out of the loop.
Therefore, it is better to change yourself instead of changing others. Do not forget that you used to have the 100% power, and now you need to remove the filters.
Today, I talked about difficult topics. Whenever In my regular seminar, I talk about many other topics. On the radio, I record myself a few times, and sometimes I forget what I have talked about, not realizing that I have repeated myself. I might be busy in the coming days so I can’t promise the radio will be uploaded everyday, however, I will try to take the radio everyday as I can. I will end it for today.
See you next time.