
見える世界と見えない世界の 大事なお話をのんびりと


 2020年3月11日に始まった「Radio Sufi」。その内容をなんと!!







こんにちは。「 Radio Sufi 」 始まります。






さて、この「radio sufi」なのですが、”見えない世界と見える世界”、この両方は生きる上でとても大事なことなのですが、それをうまく説明するのって、正直すごく難しいものではあります。けれども私は毎日そんな中で生きていて、見える世界を生きながら、半分見えない世界に足を突っ込んでいますので(半分生の世界で半分死の世界ともいう。笑)、なんとか拙い言葉ではありますが、どんな人でもわかるようにお伝えしていきたいと思っております。




スピリチュアル:wikipedia 貼っておきますね。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B9%E3%83%94%E3%83%AA%E3%83%81%E3%83%A5%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB












「27クラブ」:カートコバーンやジャニスジョップリン、エイミーワインハウスなどロックの世界の人々が27才で多く他界していて、そのジンクスを「27クラブ」と呼んでいます。私も当時、そんな心の病んだ世界が生み出す彼らのロックな音楽を愛していましたので、同じ周波数帯域で生きていたのだと思います。参考:27歳で他界した「27クラブ」のスター20人 https://rollingstonejapan.com/articles/detail/32702


そんな敏感体質を持つ人々をHSP(ハイパー センシティブ パーソンの略)、HSC(ハイパー センシティブ チルドレン)という言葉が使われるようになりました。








必至で自分のエゴや欲と向き合ってきました。まだまだいろんなものもあると思いますが、それでもたくさんやりたい事をやり尽くしてきたおかげか、今ではあんまり欲がないというか、欲がなさすぎてボランティアばっかりやってて怒られるんですけどね。。苦笑 そんな自分も今では誰かを導く役割をいただいております。それは骨の折れる作業でもあり、大変なことではありますが、役割を与えられるとは本当にありがたいことです。











カナダ在住の S.Kaori さんが、ラジオ配信を英訳してくれました!!



“The visible world and invisible world”

Hi everyone. Let’s begin “Radio Sufi”.

Today is Wednesday, March 11. 9 years ago, Tohoku earthquake took place, taking lives of many people in Japan. Those who passed away have become are energy waves and are guarding us from heaven with high positivity. 

COVID-19 have been spreading rapidly in the world right now. Surprising, cases of pandemic have reached to a very small town of Nakafurano, where I reside in the central region of Hokkaido. Seen the name of my hometown on media made me think about how the news was picked up and the impacts it would bring to everyone else. I soon found out the reason why the town name was published in the media, but I will not touch on it now as it involves sensitive issues. 

My team and I opened musuhi535 café in Nakafurano, the town with less than 5,000 people. Recently, we have been planning and preparing for the upcoming event. On the day before the event, suddenly, self-isolation request was made by the municipal governments, leading to cancellation of the event. As of now, we are still under self-isolation.
By the way, we were chased by media from the next day. Even though I refused all the media by telling them to contact the townhall for interviews, they continuously called to seek for information. 

I live in the mix of “Visible world and invisible world” (It could be said as “Life and Death”) and both are particularly important for our life lessons. But to be honest, this is difficult to explain. In Radio Sufi, I will be trying to explain this topic as clearly as possible to everyone. 

I can predict or estimate the future by having a good understanding of what have happened to you and also identifying the various sign. I think there are many people who are capable of this ability, it is not only special to me. The use of this information is helpful in our daily life, however, it is important to keep a good balance of the visible and invisible world; not too focused on the spiritual world. 

Japanese people tend to think of the term “spiritual” as unrealistic way of life. In reality, spiritual thinking has the meaning of mental and intellectual values, which are important and relates to our lives. Spiritual thinking is also closely related to palliative care as well.

Spiritual: linked by wikitionary  

We are living in this real world with 3 dimensional aspects. Balancing out the visible 3 dimensional world and the invisible 5 dimensional world will leading to more positive results. (4 dimensional world is ghost world.) In my regular seminars, you will learn more about the down to earth spiritual story. 

9 years ago today, I closed my salon in Tokyo and moved to Hokkaido 3 days before the March 11th Tohoku Earthquake. Few days before the disaster, I remember my friends and I talked about trembling of the ground, suspecting the something with huge impact is going to happen. At that time, I was not expecting such a huge earthquake.
I visited Makata Shrine in Chiba prefecture, on my way to Haneda airport to take the flight to Hokkaido. It was snowing even in March and not even a single person was there, which made me feel a bit lonely. I still remember only my footprints were left on the accumulating snow.
(Makata shrine: Tenmei Okamoto wrote Hitsukishinji through automatism in this shrine)
I won’t forget the big decision that I made right before the earthquake. 

Although I had various experiences in my life, I lived life the way I want to when I was young. After I was satisfied with living in the way I enjoyed, I lost the reason to feel alive. 

I didn’t have the courage to die either. 

I didn’t have anymore passion to be alive, but I can’t deserve to die either.
Then let’s do the best for the thing that I don’t want to do. 
My turning point was right at that moment, when I made this decision. I was 27 years old. It’s just like the 27 club.

The 27 Club: At the age of 27, many of rock & roll artist passed away such as Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, and Amy Winhouse. I used to love the rock & roll music and I might be living the same frequency level of world with them.

The 27 Club: A Brief History
From Robert Johnson to Anton Yelchin, 20 stars who died at 27

I am HSC since childhood. I thought I should get therapy or coaches because I was very strange. Ever after I try to do the best for the thing that I don’t want to do, I see the invisible world and studied “ki (chi)”, to solve various problems. For instance, I struggled about human relations or environmental problems and realized I was not strange. I am satisfied with myself even I am not fitting in with society. 

HSP (highly sensitive person)/ HSC (highly sensitive child): who has high sensitivity to the bright lights, sounds, emotional cues, and other stimuli around you

Let’s go back to the story when I made a big decision before the earthquake. 

Now that I have live the life the way I want to and have done the thing that I don’t want to, I decided to live my life to help somebody else!!

I went to the washroom right after making the decision, and there, I felt the ground shook violently. 

I was so panicked, like “OMG, somebody help me!”. It is embarrassing even I decided to live the life to help somebody else in few seconds ago. 

It was an unforgettable moment of my life. I was not doing what I just decided, how dare I! Nobody can rely on me at all. At that moment I became aware of my ability, so I had to start from scratch to pursue my decision.

9 years later 

I still struggled to face my ego and control my greed. After experiencing many things for myself, I changed to not greedy person there for I am doing too much volunteer work. Nowadays I have the responsibility to lead and guide someone. It is a lot of work and hardest work, but it’s really nice to be given a mission.

Many people are living the life without looking at yourself. They try to pretend they are satisfied with their life, satisfy with money or stuff, give up, not look at the bad side of them and praise or disparage others. Thus, they hide themself.

If you want to love yourself deeply, you need to face yourself seriously including the bad side. It will take time to recognize yourself. It will start to change at the moment you want to explore yourself. Then the new journey will begin. 

The journey might be fun or might be tough. Following the path of spirits will eventually give you confidence for moving forward. And the hardships you had to endure, you might love yourself more. 

9 year have passed. At the Tohoku earthquake, the people felt the earth tremble and everyone’s heart were shaken as well in the whole world. It was a big moment for people to move on to think more about your life.

How do you live your life? What is life? 

Who are you?

How are you all living your life after 9 years?

What are you thinking?

I hope you will have a great day.
