


📔📔📔東京ドームで初めて演奏された曲が3曲+1。CHASE、In the Air、ALONE EN LA VIDAと、YOU GOTTA RUNです。CHASEでは、hydeがいきなり歌詞を間違えました。CHASEの途中でMCを入れるところを歌ってしまったのかな?とも思いましたが、やはり歌詞間違いのようです。他の3人はそのまま演奏を続けようとするも、hydeが正直すぎて、よくわからないMCに。結局歌い直しました。本人はそのあとしばらく引きずっていたようです。

3 songs + 1 song played at the Tokyo Dome performance. CHASE, In the Air, ALONE EN LA VIDA and YOU GOTTA RUN. In CHASE, hyde suddenly made a mistake in the lyrics. When the MC came in in the middle of CHASE, Hyde became the MC who was honest and didn't really understand, even though the other three wanted to continue playing. I ended up singing it again, and the person in question dragged it out for a while.

今回のkenの見せ場は、Driver's HighやMY HEART...ではなく、接吻でした。中央花道をわたり踊り場にてギターソロ。会場に歌うよう促すも意図が伝わらずはがゆい顔をしていました。

そのあとはtetsuyaと交代。いつものSTAY AWAY前のベースソロかと思いきや、In the Air。hydeの作戦でしょうか。


Ken's performance today was not Driver's High or MY HEART... but Kiss. Guitar solo at the landing across the central flower path.

The rest was replaced by Tetsuya. I thought it was the usual bass solo before STAY AWAY, but it was In the Air. Please use hyde's strategy.

At metropolis, Mr. Hadano's keyboard on the keyboard was analogized to the screen, something that had never been seen before.📔📔📔



-𝐡𝐲𝐝𝐞 Birthday Festival-


Exclusive broadcast & distribution decided!! ️

Scheduled to be broadcast in April 2025

Enjoy 📺

#Larsen Ciel

#L 'Arc

#Tokyo Dome

#hyde birthday festival

#hyde birthday

#High Birthday Festival 2025
