
DEEN池森さん 落語家桂宮路


No breakfast + soba lunch.

He was able to lose weight by eating a normal dinner.

このYou Tubeは私が選びました✨✨✨

桂 宮治(かつら みやじ、1976年〈昭和51年〉10月7日 - )は、落語芸術協会及びブロードヒル所属の落語家。東京都品川区出身、在住。出囃子は『阿波踊り』血液型B型。


Osamu Katsura (born October 7, 1976 - Art) is a rakugo performer affiliated with the Rakugo Association and Broadhill. Born and residing in Shinagawa Ward, Tokyo. Her music is ``Awa Odori'' and her blood type is B.

(Rakugo debayashi is comedic music played when a rakugo performer appears on stage. It is a type of yose music and is performed using instruments such as the shamisen and taiko drum.)


