
お悩み相談 柳沢先生へ

Consultation about your concerns about sleep

Kato Cha's wife is 45 years younger than him.

It was said that she married for money, but she supported her husband very energetically and passionately.

Boo Takagi is also interesting.




Masashi Yanagisawa, director of the International Research Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine at the University of Tsukuba, says that sleep time is determined by genes, and that only one in several hundred people actually lack sleep for 4 to 5 hours. The amount of sleep that individuals need has a distribution close to normal, with most people needing about 6 to 8 hours.

It is known that when you are sleep deprived (4 hours of sleep) for 2 days, the hormones that concentrate your appetite decrease, and the hormones that increase your appetite tend to increase. It turns out that people are more susceptible to lifestyle-related diseases.

国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構(こくさいとうごうすいみんいかがくけんきゅうきこう、英称: International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine、略称: IIIS)は、睡眠覚醒の神経科学および関連領域の世界トップレベル研究者を集結し、睡眠覚醒機構を解明し睡眠を制御する戦略の開発や睡眠障害および関連する疾患の制御を通して人類の健康増進に貢献することを目的として設立され、筑波大学学長直属の国際高等研究所であり、研究機関。

International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (abbreviation: International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine) IIIS) brings together world-class researchers in the neuroscience of sleep-wake and related fields to improve human health through the development of strategies to carefully control the sleep-wake mechanism and control sleep, as well as the control of sleep disorders and related diseases. Established for the purpose of contributing to the world of science and technology, it is an international institute for advanced study and a research institution that reports directly to the president of the University of Tsukuba.
