
反田恭平 小林愛実

``The moment when your dreams come true, that moment you are waiting for'' may be a moment or 10 seconds, but I think the length of time varies from person to person, but for me, that happy time was 40 minutes.

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who listened to the performance and to all those involved who supported me. ``Thank you very much.''

6 years has been a long time... Kyohei Sorita


・モーツァルト:交響曲第32番 ト長調 K.318

・モーツァルト:ピアノ協奏曲第26番 ニ長調 K.537「戴冠式」

・メンデルスゾーン:交響曲第4番 イ長調 Op.90「イタリア」

