

 3年ぶりの録音作品『シューベルト:4つの即興曲作品142、ピアノ・ソナタ第19番ハ短調、ロンド イ長調他』(11月27日リリース)には、夫である反田も参加。互いの作品作りや演奏に対してもアドバイスし合う関係の豊かさは、本インタビューでも随所に表れていた。夫婦で協力しながら子育てと演奏活動を両立する現在と、小林がここに至るまでのキャリアのターニングポイントについて聞いた。(田巻郁)

Her husband Tanda also participated in her first recording in three years, ``Schubert: Four Impromptu Opus 142, Piano Sonata No. 19 in C minor, Rondo major, etc.'' (released on November 27th). We asked Kobayashi about the current situation where they are working together to balance childcare and performance activities, as well as the turning points in Kobayashi's career that led to this point.

#Aimi Kobayashi @aimi_piano's interview article was published in "Real Sound". Please read it😄

Manami Kobayashi talks about respectful parenting unique to a pianist couple, childhood conflicts and the state of piano education realsound.jp/2024/12/post-1… From @realsoundjp
