

11.28 Thu

“Plenty of Kaneko Seven Days 70th Special”

at Kyoto/Crucifixion

Photo: Hajime Kamiizaka

#Mari Kaneko


🌹🌹🌹ken ken Wow, I looked up this famous song. Was it Phil Collins? ! Billy Joel? ! I thought so.

I looked up 1985 Western music masterpieces and found it right away.
I'm glad I was able to find some nice music while watching the 🌇sunset🌆 on my way home.

ken ken thank you

Tears For Fear、、、?

November 11th Base Day

It's not over in me yet♩

Even in December

Base day now

Why is that?

'Cause I heard the best bass

My heart still remembers its low notes

What my heart still wants is

It's KenKen's bass sound.

KenKen bass vocal ③


#Even though I'm a guitarist, I like bassists

#Base day



8:59 PM · December 1, 2024


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いま再び注目を集めるティアーズ・フォー・フィアーズの名曲『Everybody Wants to Rule The World』を聴く(高橋芳朗の音楽コラム)

Listen to the masterpiece "Everybody Wants to Rule The World" by Tears for Fears, which is now attracting attention again (Yoshiro Takahashi's music column)
