Recent Anecdote That Made Us Laugh Out Loud
Recent Anecdote That Made Us Laugh Out Loud
Recent Anecdote That Made Us Laugh Out Loud
The other day, when I was in our car with my wife and grandchildren Suzuka (5) and Yurika (3), I happened to see a puppy looking at us through the window of the car running side by side with us.
“Oh, look! Puppy!” I said to both of the kids.
Suzuka: “Yeah, you’re right! So cute!”
Yurika: “Didn’t see it! Wish I could have!”
I felt slightly sorry for Yurika, wondering if there was something to do for her... Then I came up with the following words:
“Oh, look at that guy over there! He really looks like a dog!” Their reactions were as follows:
Suzuka: “Truly! He does look like a dog!”
Yurika: “No way!! Doesn’t look like a dog at all!!”
Well, actually, the guy didn’t look like a dog in the least. I guessed Suzuka might have said her words out of thoughtfulness for Yurika, which was simply adorable and funny, whereas Yurika’s shout was also cute and hilarious. My wife and I couldn’t help but burst out laughing!
anecdote: エピソード、こぼれ話
日本語の「エピソード、こぼれ話」≠ 英語の episode
日本語の「エピソード、こぼれ話」は英語では anecdote と言ったほうがいいですね。
英語の episode は(シリーズものの)「第何話」という意味で使われるのが普通です。気をつけましょう。