スイート・メモリー ☕ ↓
When I was listening to the radio early in the morning, I happened to hear a very nostalgic song:「ブン、ブン、ブン、ハチが飛ぶ♪」. Do you know it?
My mind flashed back to a scene from the past. For some unforgettable reason, the song always brings back a particular emotion in my wife and me.
We have three children, all daughters—the elders are twins. One day, the twins happily and cheerfully said in unison that they had learned the song in kindergarten. So we urged them to let us hear it. Then they began to sing it in chorus, stamping their feet rhythmically (like bees!):「ブン、ブン、ブン、ハチがとブン♪」.
—Yes! not「ハチが飛ぶ♪」but「ハチがとブン♪」!
It was SOOOOOO CUUUUUUTE!!!!!! They were our sweet mind-bogglers :). It was such cute stage vocalism and movement that we never felt tempted to correct their locution—in fact, we began to sing with them:「ブン、ブン、ブン、ハチがとブン♪」again and again and again :).
O sweeties, it was a really, really happy time and has remained a sweet memory to cherish and fondle.
in unison: 口を揃えて、同時に、 一斉に
in chorus: 声を揃えて、一斉に
stamp one’s feet: 足踏みをする
(実際には、「つま先を床につけたまま両かかとを上げ下ろす動作」up and down on their heelsーrepetitive motion of raising their both heels and then with a thump, lowering them down といった動作のこと)
vocalism: 発声法、歌唱法(ここでは、特に「ハチがとブン」といった「言葉遣い」のこと)
movement: 上記の「かかとの上げ下げの動作」(≒ motion)
locution: 話しぶり、言い方、言葉遣い
They were our sweet mind-bogglers :). : 二人は我々親にとっては、脳を溶かしてくれるほど可愛い存在でした。
boggler: びっくりさせるもの、どぎもを抜くもの、打ちのめすもの、驚くべき事実、大変な難問、解けない謎
fondle: (なでる、可愛がる →)慈しむ