
#73【ゲーム】Kovaak2.0 PATCHについて【大型アップデート】

こんにちは!極彩です。今回は2020年12月10日に来た大型アップデート「Kovaak2.0 PATCH」について紹介します!


・新要素「Tracking Trainer」の登場


プレイヤーとしての視点からこのアップデートによる重要な点はやはり「Tracking Trainer」の追加です。これはまだプレイしていないのですが、追いエイムに特化した内容でスコアが毎回記録され、クリアすると段々難しくなっていくように設定されているようです。今度やってみようと思います。







今回はほぼ一か月前に来た大型アップデート「Kovaak2.0 PATCH」について紹介させていただきました。前にプレイしていた時よりも格段にプレイしやすい環境になっているなと思いました。もし、前まで「kovaak 2.0」を使っていたけれど、その操作性の悪さや設定ができないところがネックになって辞めてしまった方は一度起動してみることをおススメします!



We’ve been hard at work bringing you many new features and improvements. Check it out and be sure to let us know what you think!

Tracking Trainer!
Version 1 of the tracking trainer is ready with five levels. Hone your tracking and receive a rank as you progress up the skill tree! This is our first piece of DLC and, as a thank you for your amazing support, it’s free for everyone who currently owns KovaaK.

Challenge Stats Visualizations!
You can now chart your progress in the sandbox, with our new stats feature. These Stats views are available from both the Trainer and the Sandbox.

Playlist Randomizer options!
When using the Playlists feature, an additional dropdown is available to randomize the active playlist. It can be set to “None”, “List” or “Totally Random”. List will pick a new scenario after the play count completes, whereas Totally Random will pick a new scenario after each challenge.

Crosshair Generator!
https://crosshair.themeta.gg/ - From this tool, you can create a huge variety of crosshairs, easily share the URL with friends, and export crosshairs as png files that can be used in game.

Sandbox Scenario Caching Improvements!
When the game starts up and downloads the list of scenarios from Steam, that now occurs in a different thread and the progress bar is only shown on the Online Scenarios tab. Additionally, the cache of scenarios that was obtained from the last time the game was running is maintained until the new list fully completes downloading, so you can immediately jump into playlists and online scenarios even while downloading an updated list.

Other new features
・Advanced Sensitivity options added: click the Gear icon next to Horizontal Sensitivity to see cm/360° and inches/360° (given the correct DPI).
・Added link to our new custom crosshair generator tool to the Crosshair picker under settings menus.
・Added Percentile field on Leaderboards to indicate your performance relative to other players.
・Leaderboards now highlights your own score so you can find yourself easier
・Added support for custom FOV scales in FILM notation. (xMSy is not implemented quite yet for Valorant style re-scaling, but coming soon!)
・Stats tracking: added Screen Resolution, Resolution Scale, Challenge Start Time and Average FPS to .CSV export
・Greater Key Bind support - Added option to reset keys to defaults, you can now map a second set of binds, and added hotkey support for Previous & Next scenario in Playlists
・Added options to change color of Info Bars
・Playlist file format can now be read by humans (JSON), and any old .plo files will be automatically converted to the new format.
・Added option to auto-pause the game when focus is lost via alt-tabbing.
・When scenarios use character models other than the most basic shapes, the texture of the character will reflect the amount of health it has remaining.

New Scenario & Profile features
・Added Scenario Scoring feature: Multiply sub-total by Square Root of Accuracy.
・Added Scenario Scoring feature: Score loss on miss.
・Added option for Bot Rotations “Allow Repeat Entries” when Randomized is true. Default and original behavior is checked/true. When unchecked, a bot profile is chosen based on weighting and removed from the list for the next spawn until the list of bot profiles is clear. Once the list is clear, the bot rotation restores to the original list & weights. When checked, any profile in the list can be chosen at any spawn based on random weighting. This allows for scenarios like Air and Ground Plaza to shuffle the order of the bots while still enforcing that one of each bot is encountered.
・Added option for Dodge Profiles: Cooldown on dodge profile. The timer for this starts when the bot changes off of the existing profile.
・Added option for Scenario Scoring “Distance Score Max” to place a maximum value on the score obtained from distance traveled.
・Added option for Scenario Scoring “MBS Score Max” to place a maximum value on the score obtained from Movement-Based-Scoring.
・Added weapon profile option to determine whether ADSing with a weapon will reset the Charge percent of Charge weapons.
・Added more Character profile options for Model to change the way characters look, including “Stylized Shape” and “Stylized Ecto”. Stylized Shape will differ depending on the bounding box shape.
・Added options for Character Profiles to set Flight Velocity & Acceleration values for Upwards and Downwards movement independently.
・Added option for Character Profiles to make it so a character holding both jump and crouch will fly up. If disabled, holding those two actions together results in no flight accel applied (original behavior prior to this option).
・Added option for Character Profiles to set a Global Cooldown on abilities (using an ability will block all abilities for that character from being used for the duration specified). Defaults to 0.
・Added option for Character Profiles: Drag Coefficient. This value defaults to 10, which is what it was acting as before the variable was exposed.
・Added optional conditions for Distance Traveled: None, Mirror, Anti Mirror.
  ・None makes it so that Distance Traveled is always given to the player.
  ・Mirror enforces more strafe aiming than mouse aiming (see target moving right on screen, must hold right to get points).
  ・Anti Mirror enforces more mouse aiming than strafe aiming (see target moving right on screen, must hold left to get points).
  ・An additional “Distance Acceptance Time” variable represents how long the bot’s previously held keys will still be valid for the sake of mirroring and anti-mirroring scoring.

・Added support for “Minimum version required” for scenarios. This means that starting in this version of the game, if a scenario uses a feature that doesn’t exist on this version (something made in the future), the game will prevent scores from being uploaded to the Leaderboard.

・For Floating Point inputs, dropped precision from 7 digits to 5 digits to correct floating point rounding issues so that “1.32” Sensitivity doesn’t automatically convert to “1.3200001”.
・Loads of stuff moved from BP to C++ for better code ‘tegrity and performance. (This is an on-going process that will eventually result in big performance/frametime stability gains)
・Palette colors applied to buttons will now match the selected color while unhovered, instead of while hovered.
・Added Palette support to a few widgets that were missed.
・When using Solid Sky Color, the sky will now match the RGB value specified for Sky Color.
・Slight tweak on button treatments
・When a scenario in a Playlist can’t be found, provided text to give direction on the most likely fix
・Fixed issue with Maximum MBS score calc on scoreboard - when scenarios end due to bots running out of lives, the MBS score will look at the actual time spent in the scenario instead of the full duration.
・Weapon Profile Editor->Per-Bullet-Spread tab now properly loads in the profile’s previously saved values.
・Updated scrolling functionality throughout Trainer UI
・When editing profiles/scenarios and the SaveAs prompt pops up, dropped the background blur strength significantly so that the rest of the UI and original file name can still be read.
・Fixed Game Tag field not loading properly for scenario editor
・Updated Pause menu with new buttons for Stats and NVidia Experiments
・When bots run into Kill Volumes on maps, made the bot properly count as killed by the player (assuming the player did damage to the bot at least once). This applies both to score gained for kills as well as stats export in csv files.
・Increased Dodge Profile Damage Reaction Reset Time max from 1 to 100 seconds.
・The Sandbox Scenario Browser now properly highlights the selected tab.
・Bug fix in Flick Trainer to prevent level skipping.
・Added pass conditions to flick trainer instructions.

Feel free to join our Discord server and let us know if you have any feedback!
