
I decided to live together

It was a little while ago.
As for my note, just 2 days ago on the 4th August, 
it was a full moon day.
I decided to live with it together today.

About 16 years ago, I have lost one thing and experienced the strongest heart pain which I've ever had.
After that, I was always feeling something missing and it shaded me.

I've tried to face it so many times and backed and forth between blight place and dark place inside.

But I didn't know how to treat this pain and solve it.
Or rather, even crying or moving forward, I thought that I don't have a right to do it. 

But suddenly, I finally realized and understood from my heart and mind on that day.
I don't need to forget the thing including that pain and just decide to live together.

All pain and imperfect things are also parts of me.

This is me. 
