英語長文問題クエスト Part 19 (テーマ:音)
英語の読解力を伸ばすには多読が必須!特に、TOEFL ibt というテストでは、かなり高度な読解力が必要ですし、何より、このTOEFL ibt という試験が難しいことの理由の1つに、日本語でも勉強していないアカデミックな内容の文章が出題されることです。
Sound is a type of mechanical wave that travels through a medium, such as air or water, and is detected by the ear. The study of sound and its properties is known as acoustics, which is a branch of physics that deals with the production, transmission, and effects of sound.
One of the fundamental properties of sound is frequency, which is the number of cycles of a sound wave that occur in a given time period. The unit of frequency is the Hertz (Hz), and humans can generally hear sounds that range from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. The perception of frequency is known as pitch, with higher frequencies corresponding to higher pitched sounds.
Another important property of sound is intensity, which is the amount of energy carried by a sound wave per unit area. The unit of intensity is the Watt per square meter (W/m^2), and the perception of intensity is known as loudness, with higher intensities corresponding to louder sounds.
The propagation of sound waves can be affected by the properties of the medium through which they travel. For example, the speed of sound is dependent on the temperature, pressure, and density of the medium, and changes in these properties can result in changes in the speed of sound. Sound waves can also be reflected, refracted, or absorbed by different materials, which can affect their transmission and reception.
Acoustics has a wide range of applications, from the design of musical instruments and concert halls to the development of medical imaging techniques and the study of animal communication. One important application of acoustics is in the field of noise control, where techniques are used to reduce unwanted or harmful sounds in various environments.
In conclusion, acoustics is a branch of physics that deals with the production, transmission, and effects of sound. The properties of sound, such as frequency and intensity, are important for understanding how sound is perceived and propagated. Acoustics has a wide range of applications, from the design of musical instruments and concert halls to the development of medical imaging techniques and noise control.
What is acoustics?
a) The study of light and its properties
b) The branch of physics that deals with the production, transmission, and effects of sound
c) The study of the human brain
d) The branch of biology that deals with the study of plantsWhat is frequency?
a) The amount of energy carried by a sound wave per unit area
b) The number of cycles of a sound wave that occur in a given time period
c) The unit of intensity
d) The perception of intensityWhat is the unit of intensity?
a) The Watt per square meter (W/m^2)
b) The Hertz (Hz)
c) The decibel (dB)
d) The meter (m)What is loudness?
a) The number of cycles of a sound wave that occur in a given time period
b) The unit of intensity
c) The perception of frequency
d) The perception of intensityWhat can affect the propagation of sound waves?
a) The frequency of the sound
b) The speed of sound
c) The properties of the medium through which they travel
d) The perception of loudnessWhat is the unit of frequency?
a) The Watt per square meter (W/m^2)
b) The Hertz (Hz)
c) The decibel (dB)
d) The meter (m)What is the speed of sound dependent on?
a) The temperature, pressure, and density of the medium
b) The frequency of the sound
c) The intensity of the sound
d) The perception of pitchWhat is the perception of frequency known as?
a) Pitch
b) Loudness
c) Intensity
d) DensityWhat are some applications of acoustics? Choose multiple choices.
a) The study of light and its properties
b) The design of musical instruments and concert halls
c) The development of medical imaging techniques
d) The study of animal communicationWhat is noise control?
a) A technique used to reduce unwanted or harmful sounds in various environments
b) The study of animal communication
c) The branch of biology that deals with the study of plants
d) The branch of physics that deals with the production, transmission, and effects of sound
Answers and Explanations
Answer: b) The branch of physics that deals with the production, transmission, and effects of sound
理由:文章の中で、「The study of sound and its properties is known as acoustics, which is a branch of physics that deals with the production, transmission, and effects of sound.」と明確に記述されています。つまり、「音とその特性の研究は音響学として知られ、音の生成、伝達、影響を扱う物理学の一分野である」という意味です。Answer: b) The number of cycles of a sound wave that occur in a given time period
理由:文章の中で、「One of the fundamental properties of sound is frequency, which is the number of cycles of a sound wave that occur in a given time period.」という文に答えが書かれています。つまり、「音の基本的な特性の1つは周波数であり、一定の時間内に音波のサイクルが何回起こるかを表します。」という意味です。Answer: a) The Watt per square meter (W/m^2)
理由:文章の中で、「Another important property of sound is intensity, which is the amount of energy carried by a sound wave per unit area. The unit of intensity is the Watt per square meter (W/m^2)」という文に答えが書かれています。つまり、「音のもう1つの重要な特性は強度であり、単位面積当たりに音波が運ぶエネルギーの量を表します。強度の単位は、平方メートル当たりのワット(W / m ^ 2)です。」という意味です。Answer: d) The perception of intensity
理由:文章の中で、「The perception of intensity is known as loudness」という文に答えが書かれています。つまり、「強度の知覚は、音量として知られています。」という意味です。Answer: c) The properties of the medium through which they travel
理由:音波の伝播は、それらが通過する媒質の特性に影響を受けることがあります。"(The propagation of sound waves can be affected by the properties of the medium through which they travel.)Answer: b) The Hertz (Hz)
理由:"周波数の単位はヘルツ(Hz)であり、人間は一般的に20 Hzから20,000 Hzの音を聞くことができます。" (The unit of frequency is the Hertz (Hz), and humans can generally hear sounds that range from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.)Answer: a) The temperature, pressure, and density of the medium
理由:: "音の速度は媒質の温度、圧力、密度に依存します。" (The speed of sound is dependent on the temperature, pressure, and density of the medium.)Answer: a) Pitch
理由:"周波数の知覚はピッチとして知られており、より高い周波数がより高いピッチに対応しています。" (The perception of frequency is known as pitch, with higher frequencies corresponding to higher pitched sounds.)Answer: b) The design of musical instruments and concert halls, c) The development of medical imaging techniques, and d) The study of animal communication
理由:本文は、音響学は楽器やコンサートホールの設計、医療画像診断技術の開発、動物のコミュニケーションの研究など、幅広い分野に応用されていることを述べています。この情報は、本文の5番目の段落に記載されています。Answer: a) A technique used to reduce unwanted or harmful sounds in various environments
音の基本的な性質の1つは周波数であり、一定期間内に発生する音波のサイクル数です。周波数の単位はヘルツ(Hz)であり、人間は通常、20 Hzから20,000 Hzの音を聞くことができます。周波数の知覚は音の高さとして知られ、高い周波数に対応する高い音高になります。