

学会名 第61回日本小児循環器学会総会・学術集会
The 61st Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

会 期 2025年7月10日(木)~12日(土)

会 場 三重県総合文化センター
〒514-0061 三重県津市一身田上津部田1234

テーマ 小児循環器学、医療と保健の未来を紡ぐ:
New Paradigm, Networking and Inclusiveness for Children and Beyond

会 長 三谷 義英(三重大学医学部附属病院 周産母子センター)

主催校事務局 三重大学医学部附属病院 周産母子センター
〒514-8507 三重県津市江戸橋2-174

運営事務局 株式会社コンベンションリンケージ 
〒460-0008 名古屋市中区栄3-32-20 朝日生命ビル
TEL:052-262-5070 FAX:052-262-5084


公式X (旧Twitter)






• 一般演題(口演およびポスター発表)
• 会長講演
• 特別講演: 海外招請者3名、国内招聘者2名
• 基調講演(シンポジウム):海外招請者3名
• デイベートセッション:海外招請者2名(2セッション)
• ジョイントセッション:3国際セッション、3国内セッション
• シンポジウム、パネルディスカッション
• 委員会企画セッション:14セッション(未発表)
• 共催セッション(TBD)

JSPCCS-AHA(米国循環器学会)Joint Session
: 4演者(海外招請者2名) (TBD)
JSPCCS-AEPC(欧州小児循環器学会) Joint Session
: 4演者(海外招請者2名) (TBD)
AEPC(欧州小児循環器学会)- YIA Session: 海外演者3名(TBD)
JSPCCS-TSPC (台湾小児循環器学会) Joint Session
: 2演者(海外招請者1名)(TBD)



特別講演(Special Lecture)
1 Marlene Rabinovitch (Legend Lecture)

Dwight and Vera Dunlevie Professor of Pediatric Cardiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
: The Dawn and the Future Direction of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research
2 Maurice Beghetti
Professor, Department of the Child and Adolescent, Children's University Hospital Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
: New Perspectives in Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension: Update from World Symposium on Pulmonary hypertension 2024, Barcelona (tentative)
3 池野文昭 (Fumiaki Ikeno)(日本語)
Medical Director/Research Associate, Experimental Interventional Laboratory Division of Cardiology, Stanford University
:Stanford Biodesign (ベンチャーキャピタルと近未来の医療創出)(tentative)
4 濱本隆二
:AIの医療応用・改正次世代医療法施行後の医学研究の近未来 (tentative)
5 鈴木成宗
伊勢角屋麦酒社長、二軒茶屋餅角屋本店 代表取締役社長
基礎研究からのクラフトビール開発、三重県伊勢市から全国、世界へ (tentative)

デイベートセッション(International Debate Session)
1  Pros and Cons in the Treat & Repair for PAH-CHD
Satoshi Akagi (Proponent)
Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan
Maurice Beghetti (Opponent)

Professor, Department of the Child and Adolescent, Children's University Hospital Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
2  Pros and Cons in the intensification of the initial treatment for acute KD patients with CAA at diagnosis
Pei-Ni Jone (Proponent)

Professor of Pediatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago
Kenichiro Yamamura (JSPCCS member) (Opponent)
Associate Professor, Perinatal Care Center, Kyusyu University, Fukuoka, Japan

会長企画シンポジウム2(International Symposium)
International Perspectives on the ECG Screening for School Children: Impact of Digitalization

1 Salim F Idriss (Keynote Lecture)
Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Cardiology and Electrophysiology, Duke University
: Collaborative Studies on Cloud-Based AI-ECG Screening for School Children in US (tentative)

2 Hing-Ka Lim
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University College of Medicine
: Cardiac Screening in School Children: Combining Auscultation and Electrocardiography with a Crowdsourcing Model (tentative)

3 Mi-Kyoung Song
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University Hospital
: AI-based ECG Screening for School Children (tentative)

会長企画シンポジウム3 (International Symposium)
Challenges and Opportunities in Treatment and Healthcare for Kawasaki Disease: From Acute to Late Phase and Adulthood

1.     Pei-Ni Jone (Keynote Lecture)
Professor of Pediatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago
: Update on Diagnosis and Management of Kawasaki Disease: Scientific Statement 2024 from AHA (tentative)

2.     Yiu-fai Cheung
Bryan Lin Professor, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
: The Issues in the long-term and adulthood (tentative)

3 Lucy Youngmin Eun
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine
: The Issues in the long-term and adulthood (tentative)

4 Ming-Tai Lin (tentative)
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University Hospital
: The Issues in the long-term and adulthood (tentative)


Marlene Rabinovitch (Keynote Lecture) (英語)
Dwight and Vera Dunlevie Professor of Pediatric Cardiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
: Translational Impact of Basic Research in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension


1 津田 武 (Takeshi Tsuda)
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University Nemours Children’s Hospital, Wilmington, Delaware, USA

2 小林大介 (Daisuke Kobayashi)
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
3 伊藤誠治(Seiji Ito)
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Science, Chilren’s National Hospital, Washington DC, USA
4 Hong Gu
Professor, Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Beijing, China


A-1 Kawasaki Disease
Session Title: How can Japan contribute to leading global research on Kawasaki disease?
Session Description:

The International Kawasaki Disease Symposium, held every three years, took place in August 2024 in Montreal, Canada. During the symposium, it was hoped that Japan’s overall contribution to basic and clinical research could be strengthen on the global stage. Kawasaki disease was first discovered in Japan, and Japan has the longest history and the largest number of cases worldwide. In this symposium, we aim to bring together experts engaged in basic and clinical research on Kawasaki disease to present their findings in their respective fields. Furthermore, we will discuss the future direction of Kawasaki disease research in Japan.

A-2 Arrhythmias
Session Title: What Constitutes Standard Treatments for Pediatric Arrhythmias?
Session Description:

In recent years, treatment guidelines aimed at establishing standard therapies have been developed for a wide range of diseases. In addition, under the current work style reforms, sharing “standard treatments” is critically important for promoting team-based medical care. In the treatment of pediatric arrhythmias, various guidelines have been formulated, and a certain level of consensus appears to have been reached among specialists in this field. However, this consensus has not yet been fully shared with general pediatric cardiologists. This session aims to review and summarize the “standard treatments” for pediatric arrhythmia management.

A-3 Perioperative Complications and Management
Session Title: Perioperative Complications and Treatment Strategies in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Session Description:

Various complications can arise during the perioperative period of pediatric cardiac surgery.
This session aims to provide a platform for exchanging information and discussing the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of perioperative complications across different medical institutions and specialties. We plan to include topics that were not covered in the similar session 2024, such as vocal cord paralysis, phrenic nerve paralysis, refractory pleural effusion, arrhythmias, ECMO, and delayed sternal closure. Presentations will be delivered by intensivists, pediatric cardiologists, pediatric cardiac surgeons, anesthesiologists, and other specialists involved in perioperative intensive care.

A-4 Heart Transplantation and Mechanical Circulatory Support
Session Title: Limits of Eligibility for Heart Transplantation.
Session Description:

We discussed the treatment limitations for severe heart failure, including complex conditions such as congenital heart disease (CHD), in this session in 2024. This year, we aim to delve further into the topic by focusing specifically on heart failure with diastolic dysfunction, including restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) and CHD. Discussions will cover evaluations, treatment approaches, limitations, and the timing of heart transplant eligibility assessments. In addition, we will address other aspects of transplant eligibility evaluation, including the significance and limitations of neurological assessments and family support in clinical decision-making.

A-5 Cardiovascular Development and Molecular Medicine
Session Title: Revisiting Cardiac Development and Pluripotent Stem Cell Research as the Foundation for Regenerative Medicine.
Session Description:

Clinical research on regenerative medicine is advancing both domestically and internationally; however, its impact remains limited. To further develop regenerative medicine, it is crucial to understand the mechanisms controlling the differentiation of pluripotent stem cells into cardiomyocytes, based on the development of cardiac progenitor cells during the embryonic stage. This symposium will review the current status of regenerative medicine in the field of pediatric cardiology. It will also bring together the latest findings on the induction of differentiation from pluripotent stem cells into cardiac progenitor cells and cardiomyocytes, emphasizing the importance of basic research in this area.

A-6 Adult Congenital Heart Disease
Session Title: Reviewing the Current Status of TPVI (Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Implantation).
Session Description:

It has been three years since Harmony TPVI received regulatory approval in Japan. During this time, there has been an increase in the number of cases treated and an expansion in the number of facilities performing the procedure nationwide. In this session, we aim to review and discuss challenging cases, including those with ambiguous indications, procedural difficulties, and complications. In addition, we will examine the current status of other devices, share updates from various facilities, and explore future directions for TPVI treatment strategies.

A-7 Fetal Cardiology
Session Title: Developing Guidelines Based on Cases Missed in the Fetal Ultrasound Screening.
Session Description:

In 2021, the Fetal Cardiology Society revised the guidelines for fetal echocardiography. However, in recent years, there are still cases of severe congenital heart disease that are not accurately diagnosed during the fetal stage and are instead detected after birth. This session aims to compare Japan’s guidelines with those from other countries and discuss future directions for screening and detailed examinations, with the goal of developing improved guidelines for fetal diagnosis in Japan.

A-8 Pulmonary Circulation
Session Title: Understanding Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Circulation Disorders in Various Pediatric Conditions
Session Description:

Certain pediatric conditions and diseases treated during childhood are prone to developing secondary pulmonary hypertension (PH). However, challenges such as delayed detection remain. This session will focus on PH and pulmonary circulation disorders associated with treatments for malignant tumors, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, portal vein diseases, respiratory disorders, and other conditions, including postoperative congenital heart defects, drug-induced cases, and metabolic diseases. The goal is to foster discussions among pediatric cardiologists on understanding these conditions and promoting active, seamless collaboration with other specialties to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective long-term management.

A-9 Surgical Treatment Strategies
Session Title: Surgical Strategies for Tetralogy of Fallot—Optimal Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction.
Session Description:

Pulmonary valve dysfunction is almost inevitable after intracardiac repair of Tetralogy of Fallot, necessitating the consideration of reinterventions throughout the patient’s lifetime. In light of these circumstances, the present two-year project aims to discuss surgical strategies for right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) reconstruction to minimize the need for reinterventions. In the similar session in 2024, discussions focused on indications for the initial surgery and strategies for RVOT reconstruction. In the second year of the session, we will present the timing and methods of reintervention adopted at various institutions, as well as long-term outcomes. The session will focus on strategies for establishing effective long-life management plans for these patients.

A-10 Multidisciplinary Approaches 1
Session Title: Self-Care Abilities and Support Needed for Adults with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) from the Perspective of Adult Care Providers
Session Description:

An increasing number of children with congenital heart disease (CHD) are now reaching adulthood. As these individuals grow and develop, questions remain about whether they are acquiring the necessary self-care skills required in adulthood and whether they face challenges when receiving care alongside patients with other chronic conditions. As healthcare providers who have supported these CHD patients through childhood, we are left wondering if their transition to adult care is adequately supported. This year, we will examine the self-care abilities and support systems needed for adults with CHD to ensure their long-term health and well-being.

A-11 Multidisciplinary Approaches 2
Session Title: Community Life of Children with Congenital Heart Disease and Coexisting Disabilities.
Session Description:

A certain number of children with congenital heart disease (CHD) also have coexisting physical or intellectual disabilities, as well as neurodevelopmental disorders. These conditions not only impact their medical treatment and care but also create challenges for family life, participation in preschools, daycare centers, schools, and broader social activities. In addition to preventing disease progression and complications, it is essential to provide self-care guidance and foster independence tailored to each child’s developmental stage and the severity of their disabilities. This session aims to share the current status and challenges of support systems and discuss strategies for building effective frameworks to provide community-based care and assistance.

A-12 Multidisciplinary Approaches 3
Session Title: Understanding the Fontan Procedure—Achieving Better Management through Accurate Knowledge
Session Description:

This session will focus on the Fontan procedure, a standard surgical procedure for single-ventricle congenital heart defects. Participants will learn from physicians about the fundamentals of Fontan circulation hemodynamics, as well as preoperative and postoperative changes. Nurses will share insights into postoperative care, including transition to daily life, nursing considerations, and family support. In addition, clinical engineers will present on the use of cardiopulmonary bypass during the Fontan procedure, highlighting technical considerations, innovations, and postoperative management strategies.

B-1 Career Development for Young Pediatric Cardiologists and Surgeons
Session Title: Proactive Career Development in Pediatric Cardiology—What Should We Do at Present and in the Future?
Session Description:

Japan faces a decline in pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery trainees as well as a decrease in the number of patients due to the low birthrate. The reform of the working style of physicians started in 2024. These social backgrounds are also affecting their career development. In April 2024, a new training program was launched by “All Japan” pediatric cardiovascular surgeons. This program provides a benchmark in the career development of surgeons. The cardiovascular surgeons will review the current status of the program one year after its launch from the standpoints of a trainee and a supervisor, respectively. The pediatric cardiologists will present the current status and challenges of training pediatric cardiologists in rural and urban areas. Finally, doctors who have received clinical training overseas will give a lecture on the differences between Japan and overseas and their vision for the future. Based on the current situation, this session will focus on the future of training for pediatric cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons.

B-2 Cardiorenal Interactions in Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease and Chronic Heart Failure
Session Title: Cardiorenal Interactions in Congenital Heart Disease and Chronic Heart Failure in Children
Session Description:

In adult medicine, the close interrelationship between the heart, kidneys, and other organs is well recognized. However, the information in the pediatric field remains limited. This symposium will invite experts from cardiology and nephrology, focusing on the intricate connections between pediatric heart failure and renal function. The session aims to shed light on overlooked areas and inspire pediatric healthcare providers to explore new frontiers in understanding and managing cardiorenal interactions in children.

B-3 Timing of Treatment for Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and Obesity
Session Title: When Should Treatment for Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and Obesity be Initiated ?
Session Description:

Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and obesity in children have long-term adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. These conditions accelerate atherosclerosis, leading to arterial wall stiffening and intimal thickening even in early life, thereby increasing the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke in adulthood. Hypertension, in particular, can result in left ventricular hypertrophy, further impairing cardiac function. Early intervention during childhood is essential to preserve cardiovascular health and prevent future complications. This symposium aims to provide an overview of the treatment strategies for these conditions, while also offering insights into recent clinical research findings.

B-4 Research Strategies for Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery—Grants and Funding
Session Title: Strategies for Securing Research Grants in Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery: Recommendation.
Session Description:

Stricter compliance regulations have made it increasingly difficult to secure research funding. Moreover, rising material costs due to inflation continue to add financial pressure on research activities. Therefore, effectively utilizing grants, such as KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research), and securing sufficient funding are the essential first steps for advancing research. However, drafting successful grant proposals that attract significant funding requires specific techniques and strategies. This session aims to discuss not only techniques for securing various types of research funding, including but not limited to KAKENHI, but also strategies for designing impactful research projects. It will serve as a valuable resource, particularly for early-career researchers seeking to strengthen their grant application skills and research planning capabilities.

B-5 Treatment Strategies for Right Heart Failure in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease
Session Title: Reconsidering Right Heart Failure in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease.
Session Description:

Right heart failure (RHF) has been a topic of extensive discussion in adult cardiology. In congenital heart disease (CHD), however, many conditions present with isolated RHF due to disease-specific characteristics, resulting in a wide variety of pathophysiology. While RHF often manifests with minimal symptoms in the early stages, it can significantly impact systemic organs, particularly liver function, over time, thereby greatly influencing patient prognosis. Despite existing guidelines that outline timing for therapeutic interventions, considerable variability remains across institutions. This session aims to identify diseases associated with RHF, reassess approaches to diagnosis, and review treatment strategies and timing of interventions. The ultimate goal is to establish a comprehensive framework for RHF management, extending from childhood through adulthood.

B-6 Surgical Video Session
Session Title: Passing Down Master Class Surgical Techniques to the Next Generation.
Session Description:

The training of pediatric cardiovascular surgeons is an urgent issue. There is a growing need to transition from traditional facility-based apprenticeship models, where skills are learned through observation, to a nationwide “All-Japan” training framework. In this video session, renowned pediatric cardiovascular surgeons from Japan will use surgical videos to explain their techniques, highlight critical points, and discuss potential pitfalls in performing complex procedures. The session aims to share insights into the planning and execution of high-difficulty surgeries, as well as strategies for risk management, to enhance surgical training and outcomes.

B-7 Optimizing Pulmonary Circulation through Surgical Techniques and Flow Evaluation
Session Title: Optimizing Pulmonary Circulation through Surgical Techniques and Flow Evaluation for the Treatment of CHD.
Session Description:

In both biventricular and single-ventricle repairs, achieving low pulmonary vascular resistance, well-developed pulmonary arteries, and balanced bilateral pulmonary blood flow is critical—not only for reaching the final stage of surgery but also for ensuring favorable long-term outcomes. Recent advances, including the use of MRI for more precise pulmonary blood flow assessments, have enabled better evaluation and management strategies. Innovative approaches to flow regulation in pulmonary artery banding (PAB) and shunt procedures, as well as the handling of collateral vessels, are being implemented at various institutions. This session aims to bring together these insights and strategies for discussion to further improve surgical outcomes.

C-1 Presidential Program: Shaping the Future of Pediatric Cardiology and Healthcare
Session Title: Weaving the Future of Pediatric Cardiology, Healthcare, and Welfare: New Paradigm, Networking, and Inclusiveness for Children and Beyond.
Session Description:

Amid changes in the healthcare landscape, including the enactment of basic laws and the launch of medical digital transformation (DX), this conference has adopted the theme: “Weaving the Future of Pediatric Cardiology, Healthcare, and Welfare: New Paradigm, Networking, and Inclusiveness for Children and Beyond.” To provide optimal medical care for pediatric patients, this session aims to discuss current challenges and future strategies. It will incorporate the perspectives of patients and their families, as well as insights from government bodies, academia, and emerging ICT businesses and startups.

C-2 Presidential Program: Digitalization and International Trends in ECG Screening for School Children
Session Title: The International Perspectives of ECG Screening for School Children and the Impact of Digitalization. (International Symposium)
Session Description:

In Japan, it has been 50 years since the introduction of school heart screenings and 30 years since the implementation of electrocardiogram (ECG) screenings for school children. While these programs have yielded notable outcomes, challenges remain in terms of operational efficiency, regional disparities, and limited international adoption. With the advancement of medical digital transformation (DX), new possibilities for ECG screenings, including AI applications, big data analysis, and the integration of personal health records (PHR), are gaining attention. This session aims to discuss recent trends in digitalization and AI applications for ECG screenings in school children from an international perspective, focusing on practices in the United States, South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan.

C-3 Presidential Program: International Perspectives on Kawasaki Disease Management
Session Title: International Perspectives for the Management of Kawasaki Disease: From Acute Phase to the Long-Term and Adult Care. (International Symposium)
Session Description:

The American Heart Association (AHA) released a statement on the diagnosis and treatment of Kawasaki disease in November 2024. This statement serves as a revised version of the 2017 Kawasaki disease guidelines, introducing strategies for initial intensified therapy during the acute phase. However, challenges remain regarding long-term evaluation and management, as well as transitional and adult care. This session aims to review approaches to initial intensified therapy during the acute phase in North America and examine the long-term and adult outcomes in Asia. Discussions will focus on the future directions for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of Kawasaki disease.

C-4 Presidential Program: Optimizing Pulmonary Hypertension Management Across Lifespans
Session Title: Basic and Clinical Approaches to Optimizing Lifelong Management of Pulmonary Hypertension from Childhood
Session Description:

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a severe condition that can be either idiopathic or secondary, affecting both pediatric and adult populations. The introduction of new therapeutic agents has improved outcomes; however, transitional care remains a challenge. Advances in perinatal care have also raised concerns about future PH risk groups, such as those with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) or post-surgical congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). In addition, hypotheses like DOHaD (Developmental Origins of Health and Disease) related to pulmonary circulation are gaining attention. This session aims to comprehensively examine the latest molecular mechanisms, developmental pathophysiology from childhood, and clinical challenges during childhood and transitional stages, with a longitudinal approach starting from pediatrics.

C-5 Presidential Program: Transition Care for Acquired Heart Diseases in Children
Session Title: Challenges and Opportunities for Transitional Care in Acquired Heart Diseases Starting in Childhood—A Lifelong Healthcare Perspective
Session Description:

Congenital heart diseases (CHDs) have seen an increase in adult cases surpassing pediatric cases due to advancements in perinatal management and surgical outcomes, leading to discussions on transitional care. On the other hand, acquired heart diseases that manifest in childhood—such as arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies, Kawasaki disease coronary sequelae, idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH), and cases requiring follow-up identified through school heart screenings—present unique challenges in transitional care, despite sharing similarities with adult cardiovascular conditions. This session aims to discuss the clinical issues related to transitional care for these acquired heart diseases that develop during childhood.

C-6 Presidential Program: Long-Term Outcomes of bPAB in Severe Congenital Heart Disease
Session Title: Impact of Bilateral Pulmonary Artery Banding (bPAB) on Long-Term Outcomes in Severe Congenital Heart Disease.
Session Description:

It has been 20 years since bilateral pulmonary artery banding (bPAB) was widely implemented for hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). Since then, bPAB has also been applied to severe congenital heart disease (CHD) cases, including a spectrum of HLHS variants and borderline left ventricle cases. Database analyses have shown improved short-term outcomes for HLHS. However, as these patients reach adolescence and adulthood, long-term outcomes have become a concern. This session aims to examine the current status and challenges of long-term outcomes in severe cases treated with bPAB.

C-7 Presidential Program: Future Directions in Japanese Pediatric Cardiology—Global Perspectives
Session Title: Imaging the Future of Pediatric Cardiology Practice and Research in Japan—In Collaboration with International Pediatric Cardiologists.
Session Description:

Discussions with international healthcare professionals on diagnosis, treatment, prognosis evaluation, prevention, and healthcare systems often highlight the unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of Japan’s pediatric cardiology practice and research, which are sometimes taken for granted. These include aspects such as postgraduate training, involvement in basic, clinical, and population science research, healthcare systems, diversity of patients, formation of multidisciplinary teams, and an entrepreneurial mindset. As ICT and globalization continue to advance, this session aims to explore the near future of Japan’s pediatric cardiology practice and research. We welcome abstract applications from Japanese pediatric cardiologists and researchers currently working abroad to share their insights.

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