

(English translations are written below the Japanese)
第五回、テーマ「笑い」の川柳大会の結果発表です !
五回目のチャンピオンは1人と1グループとなりましてSan Jose Steveさんと交流会時に作成してくださったSeanさん, 小栗秀二さん、イロンさん、バッピさんグループです!

「じいちゃんの 入れ歯が飛んで 大笑い」。

同率1位はSean, Shuji イロン、バッピさんグループ作で
「楽しいな 夜のお話し 又したい」

続いて同率3位は2つあってどちらも Manasik Osmanさん作で
「べんきょうで はじをかけても わらいあう」
「落語見て 悩み忘れて 元気出す」
Manasik Osmanさんのお住まいのスーダンは電波の状況が良くなく交流会は参加出来なくても、オフラインでこのように日本語を使って参加頂いています^^


We are pleased announce the results of senryu contest with the theme "Laugh" !
The fifth champion is one person and one group, and it is San Jose Steve san and the group of Sean san, Shuji Oguri san , Ilon san, and Bappi san, who created the senryu at the exchange meeting!

First of all, here is Steve san’s senryu
「Jiichanno Irebagatonde Oowarai」 (Grandpa's dentures flew off and he laughed a lot.)
He has been the champion five times in a row! Great.

The tied for first place went to Sean, Shuji Iron and Bappi san's group
「Tanoshiina Yorunoohanashi Matashitai 」(It's fun, I want to talk to you again at night.)
They created it during the event they have participated in many times ^^
Please enjoy it again☆.

The next two tied for third place, both created by Manasik Osman san
「Benkyoude Hajiwokaketemo Waraiau」
(We laugh at each other even when we end up embarrassing ourselves while studying)
「Rakugomite Nayamiwasurete Genkidasu」
(Watching rakugo, I forget my problems and cheer up)
Manasik san lives in Sudan, where the signal is not good, so even though Manasik san cannot participate in the exchange meetings on Zoom, Manasik san participates offline using Japanese like this^^.

We have held the senryu contest 5 times so far, and now that we have ideas of how we are going to proceed, we are going to change the way about the contest.
Please look forward to the next time!

